wedding dress结婚礼服
bridegroom 新郎
bride-cake 喜饼 , 礼饼
church 教堂
priest 牧师 , 神父
rose 玫瑰花
flower girl 花童
wedding reception 婚宴
groomsman 伴郎
bridesmaid 伴娘
wedding cake 结婚蛋糕
wedding invitation 婚礼请柬
wedding ring 结婚戒指
wedding chocolate 喜糖

I don't like champagne.
我不喜欢香槟酒 。
The musicians struck up the wedding march.
乐师们奏起了婚礼进行曲 。
She wore a diamond engagement ring.
她戴着一枚钻石订婚戒指 。
The happy pair are leaving for their honeymoon.
这幸福的一对就要去度蜜月了 。
Tomorrow will be their 50th wedding anniversary.
明天是他们结婚五十周年纪念日 。
He filmed the wedding ceremony.
他将婚礼拍录下来 。
They are coming to the concert as my guests.
他们作为我的客人出席音乐会 。
She took a vow never to lend money to anyone again.
她发誓绝不再借钱给别人 。
His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry.
他的家人希望新娘能带来丰厚的嫁妆 。
A:I want to know something about marriage customs. Could you tell me?
B:No problem. what do you want to know?
A:How old are people when they usually get married?
B:Several years ago, people usually get married when they are 23 or 24 years old. But nowadays people get married later and later. They usually get married at 28 or 29 years old.
A: Is there an engagement period?
B: Some people have while some haven't.
A: Who pays for the wedding?
B: The cost is usually spilt between the couple, with contributions from their parents, too.
A: Whom do they often invite?
B: All the family relatives and friends would been invited.
A: What happens during the ceremony?
B: The ceremony is usually fairly simple. The wedding emcee introduces the bride and groom. Then the bride and groom exchange their rings.Then people eat and drink.
A:我想知道一些婚礼的习俗 , 你能告诉我吗?
B:没问题 , 你想知道什么?
B:好几年前 , 人们一般23岁24岁就结婚了 。现在的人结婚越来越晚了 , 有的都28. 29岁才结婚 。
B:有的人有 , 有的人没有 。
B:夫妻双方共同分担 , 双方父母也会出一些钱 。
B:所有的亲戚朋友都会邀请 。
【婚礼上用的英文 关于婚礼的英语】B:结婚仪式有时很简单 , 司仪介绍一下新郎和新娘 , 然后新郎新娘交换戒指 , 然后宾客们开始吃饭喝酒等等 。
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