1) Shall I wrap it up for you?
2) Can they be mixed?
3) How do you want it wrapped? Mixed packing or separated packing?
4) Do you have special request for packing?
5) We don't take packing charges.
我们不收包装费 。
6) What kind of package do you want?
7) We usually charge for this kind of packing.
这种包装通常要收费的 。
8) We will pack each men's shirt to a cardboard box.
我们将每件男式衬衣装一纸盒 。
9) Do you want a usual package or a special package?
10) Please wrap them up separately.
请分开包装 。
11)Don't worry about the wrapping.
不用担心包装 。
12) Just put it in a plastic bag.
放在塑料袋里就行了 。

A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I'd like to buy a sports jacket, size 45.
是的,我想要一件运动衫.45号的 。
A: Yes, sir. We have a few styles in different colors. Which one do you prefer?
好的,先生 。我们有几个款式,不同的颜色 。您更喜欢哪一个?
B: I'd like that one in blue.
我喜欢蓝色的那个 。
A: Then how about this one? It's smart and feels comfortable.
那么这件怎么样?这件很漂亮,穿着感觉也舒服 。
B: Yes, it looks nice. Is it expensive?
是的,看上去挺棒 。价钱贵吗?
A: No, it's not expensive at all. It's 36.8 dollars,plus tax.
不.一点也不贵 。含税36.8美元 。
B: It sounds great. Can I try it on?
听起来很棒 。我可以试穿吗?
A: Certainly. Try it on and the mirror is here.
当然 。试穿一下,镜子在这边呢 。
(Put the jacket on and stand before the mirror.)
(穿上衣服,站到镜子前 。)
B: OK. It feels comfortable and looks good. I'll take it.
好,感觉挺舒服,看上去也不错 。我买了 。
A: Shall I wrap it up for you?
B: Yes. Can you fold it and put it in a bag?
A: Of course. Here you arc. It's in the bag and it's easy for you to carry.
当然 。给您 。放袋子里了,这样很方便您携带 。
B: Thanks. And here is the money.
谢谢 。给你钱 。
A: It's my pleasure. And welcome again.
【包装公司用英语怎么说 包装有限公司英文怎么说】不客气 。欢迎再来 。
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