雅思口语流行音乐 雅思口语描述一首歌

口语考试是雅思考试的重要组成部分 。为了方便学生复习 , 武汉伊藤教育边肖准备了一份关于雅思口语的优秀模板 , 希望能为你的雅思复习提供帮助 。这篇文章是关于歌曲的雅思口语模板 。.
在谈论此类卡片题时 , 考生除了需要明确表明歌曲的名称之外 , 还需要向考官展示这首歌对你有什么特殊意义 , 比如你可以谈论它在你心情灰暗的时候给了你继续下去的勇气 , 它点亮了你的生活 , 它使你更加懂得珍惜当下的时光等 。真题实例
Describe a song meant a lot to you.You should say:what the song it washow you knew itwhat the song was aboutand explain why it meant a lot to you.You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.回答范例
When talking about a song which has special meaning to me, I would like to tell you about a pop song named Heal the World. The song was composed and performed by the American pop king, whose name is M.J. The first time I heard the song was a summer vacation three years ago when I was visiting my friend at her/his home. I found this CD from her/his bookshelf and listened to this CD on her/his stereo. The lyrics and melodies of the song impressed me a lot. When I arrived home, I searched the MV of the song on the Internet. In the MV, I saw an afterwar ruin, like withered trees, damaged buildings and homeless refugees, etc. I guess M.J. wrote the song with the purpose of appealing world peace. This song made me understand that all the mankind should live like a big family regardless of race, nationalities, belief, etc.
【雅思口语流行音乐 雅思口语描述一首歌】