英语愤怒的怎么说 愤怒用英语怎么说读

别再辩解了!No more excuses!
别看不起人 。–Don't belittle me.
怎么那么厚颜无耻!How impolite!
你放肆!What nerve!
别把我当傻瓜 。–Don't think you can make a fool out of me!
你拿我开刷呢 。–You're making fun of me.
你别侮辱人 。–Don't insult me.
别用那样眼神看看我!Don't look at me like that!

英语愤怒的怎么说 愤怒用英语怎么说读


你到底在想什么呢?–What's the big idea?
你少命令我!Don't tell me what to do!
你气死我了!I'm mad at you!
你是不是在那我开开刷呀?–Are you trying to make a fool out of me ?
你知道你是是对谁说话吗?–Who do you think you're talking to?
你疯啦?–Are you crazy?
A:可是 , 我不会呀!But I can't.
B:不要找借口 , 你今天必须完成 。–No ifs , ands or buts!You will finish it today.
A:可是我一点办法也没有!But I cant help it.
B:我不想再听你的辩解了 。–I've heard enough of your excuses.
A:哈!哈!摔倒了呀 。–Ha , ha , you fell down.
B:别取笑我!Don't make fun of me.
A:他说的话多气人呀 。–What he says offends me.
B:我理解你的心情 。–I know what you mean.
A:那可是件好事呀 。–It's a great deal.
B:我又不是不懂 。–I wasn't born yesterday.
A:给五万 , 我就干!I'll do it for¥50 , 000.
B:你还真来劲!You're pushing your luck.
A:你要不帮我 , 我就把你交给警方 。–If you don't help me , I'll turn you in.
B:你这是恐吓 。–That's blackmail!
A:我把钱借给他了 。–I lent him money.
【英语愤怒的怎么说 愤怒用英语怎么说读】B:你会后悔的 。–You'll be sorry.