口语考试是雅思考试的重要组成部分 。为了方便学生复习,武汉启德考培准备了一些关于雅思口语的优秀范文 。这篇文章是雅思口语天气话题范文,的,我希望它能帮助你复习雅思!不要害怕谈论坏天气 。反而会有更多关于恶劣天气的说法,因为可以引申到不同地区的气候,人们的生活习惯,甚至近几年的气候变化 。另外,我相信各位考生都谈到了很多关于汽车太多的话题,但是很少有人强调整治大气污染的必要性和紧迫性 。所以对于这样的问题,考官想听到的是污染对我们的危害如何,有多重要,如何看待,给城市带来的灾难 。

What is your favorite weather?What would you do in good weather?What would you do in bad weather?What weather do you think is bad?What is the worst weather you experienced?Why the weather is getting worse in your opinion?How do Chinese people think about the pollution in China?What pollution do you think is the most serious one?What should we do about the pollutions?Do you know anything about global warming?雅思口语天气话题范文1及亮点What is your favorite weather?
The drizzling weather attracts me all the time. I love to see things through the glass covered with some water drops. It's a cool, calm and crystal clear world in the drizzling day.
It's a cool, calm and crystal clear world in the drizzling day:世界会在蒙蒙细雨中变得凉爽、平静且纯净 。三个单词排比,气势够强了吧?
What would you do in good weather?
I won't waste any minute in my room while there is a big sun shining above. I will hit a park with friends to enjoy the picnic. It's unlucky for me not living in a coastal city, otherwise, I will put on my swimming suit and go surfing.
【雅思口语天气话题素材 天气 雅思口语】亮点 while there is a big sun shining above:当太阳挂在天空中 。这样视觉化描述当天的天气有没有身临其境的感觉 。以上就是武汉启德考培小编为你整理的雅思口语礼物类话题范文,希望同学们能够认真的学习参考雅思口语,尤其是在语法,常用口语表达方面,学习人家的表达技巧 。当然,除了雅思口语之外,也不要忘了雅思考试其他部分的复习 。后,祝愿同学们能在即将到来的雅思考试中取得满意的成绩 。
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