英语老板怎么说 当老板用英语怎么说

英语老板怎么说 当老板用英语怎么说


对于每位老板来说,都希望自己的员工有积极的工作态度和高的工作效率 。然而这除了取决于员工自身,更少不了老板平时对员工的鼓励 。美联英语为大家分享用英语说老板,都是日常生活中常见的情景,简单的话题 。
How is your relationship with your boss?
We have a fairly good working relationship.
我们之间有相当好的工作关系 。
Yes, but there were rough spots, weren' t there?
Yes, we sometimes have different opinions on some matters. For example, several days ago, I was upset that he didn' t want to buy the software from Haichang Company. I thought he was being too conservative, I had spent a lot of time on research and I know theirs was the best.
是的,有时候我们在一些事情上有不同的看法 。例如,几天前他不愿意购买海昌公司的软件,对此我很不愉快 。我认为他太保守 。我花了很长时间作调查研究,我知道他们的软件是比较好的 。
What do you think of his strengths?你认为他的长处是什么?
Well, he is very easy going, has an amazing ability to analyze information. And he is very good at making the right decision in tough situations.
噢,他很好相处,有惊人的信息分析能力,非常善于在错综复杂的形势下作出正确的决定 。
What do you think has interested you to stay in this company for nearly 4 years, Ms.Gao?
Well, I' m interested in the company mainly for two reasons. First, I have received one and half years' secretarial training and I want to work for a company in which this education would be an assest.Second, the justly competitive atmosphere and admirable welfare of the company attract many young people like me.
我在本公司工作主要有两个原因 。其一,我接受了一年半的秘书专业培训,想做一份能发挥专长的工作;其二,公司公平的竞争环境和令人羡慕的福利吸引了许多像我一样的年轻人 。
【英语老板怎么说 当老板用英语怎么说】美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中 。