工资薪水用英语怎么说 工作薪水用英语怎么说

【工资薪水用英语怎么说 工作薪水用英语怎么说】A: Do you like parties?B: Yes, I love parties. I can drink, danceand play with friends there.A:你喜欢派对吗?B:是的,我喜欢派对 。在那里我可以喝酒、跳舞、和朋友们玩 。
A: Why don't you like parties?B: They are too noisy and crowded.A:你为什么不喜欢派对?B:派对太吵、太拥挤了 。
A: Would you like to go to a party with us tonight?B: Thank you, but I don't like to play with so many strangers.A:你今天晚上要和我们一起参加派对吗?B:谢谢邀请,但是我不喜欢和太多陌生人玩 。

工资薪水用英语怎么说 工作薪水用英语怎么说


A: You have never been to a party? That's amazing!B: I can't stay out late, so I don't have the chance to go to a party.A:你从来没有参加过派对?太不可思议了!B:我不能在外面待得太晚,所以我没有机会参加派对 。
A: I can't imagine my life without parties.B: Sure you can. You will be a good husband.A:我不能想象没有派对的生活是怎么样的 。B:你当然可以想象 。那样的话你就是一个好丈夫了 。B: I like the food, the drink, the atmosphere and all the things there.B: Thank you, but I don't like to play with so many strangers.A:你今天晚上要和我们一起参加派对吗?B:谢谢邀请,但是我不喜欢和太多陌生人玩 。
A: You have never been to a party? That's amazing!B: I can't stay out late, so I don't have the chance to go to a party.A:你从来没有参加过派对?太不可思议了!B:我不能在外面待得太晚,所以我没有机会参加派对 。
A: I can't imagine my life without parties.B: Sure you can. You will be a good husband.A:我不能想象没有派对的生活是怎么样的 。B:你当然可以想象 。那样的话你就是一个好丈夫了 。
A: Why do you like parties so much?B: I like the food, the drink, the atmosphere and all the things there.A:你为什么如此喜欢派对?B:我喜欢那里的食物,那里的酒,那里的气氛以及那里的一切 。
常见的派对类型* birthday party 生日派对*promotion party 升职派对*graduate party 毕业派对* block party 小区派对*housewarming party 乔迁派对*family party 家庭派对*single party 单身派对* masquerade 化装舞会