介绍一条河流英语作文 美丽的陆河作文250字

陆县是中国最年轻的客家县 。位于广东省汕尾市北部 , 具有独特的客家风情和文化 。英语里有很多关于六合的作文 。你想知道写陆河的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于六合的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
There is no red maple leaf dancing in the wind. The autumn of the land river is plain, it is like a poor little girl, pure and beautiful.
In the autumn, there is no barrier of heavy rain and no fog, and every scene is very clear. Look at the mountain over there, it looks as if it were doodled by the sun, half dark green and half green. The mountain stood still, but who knew how many trees were rolling in the mountains? No one knows, because the trees on the hill is too much, too close, almost no one place is desolate, as to why I can so absolutely sure that because nothing can cheat to fall the clear glasses. Living near mount a lot of people, their rice fields been autumn wind wave, a golden waves, one piece on the farmer, it around his waist, with a sickle, humming a little song to harvest the fruits of their Labour. With this pair of glasses, we went to the boundary of the river, where there was not much water, but we could still see some small rivers. The water, like a mirror, stole the green from the tree and made it green. Look, the autumn wind is passing gently over the river! The surface of the water was stripped by the lightness of the wind, and there were several circles in the water, followed by the wind.
陆河的秋天并非诗意般的优美 , 这里没有红红的枫叶在风中舞蹈 。陆河的秋天是朴实的 , 它就像一个贫穷的小姑娘 , 纯真而美丽 。
在秋天 , 没有大雨的阻碍也没有浓雾的纠缠 , 每个景物都显得格外清晰 。瞧那边的山 , 放眼望去 , 好像被阳光涂鸦了一遍似的 , 一半是墨绿的 , 一半是青绿的 。山在那儿屹立着一丝不动 , 可谁又知道那山上究竟有多少树在左右摇晃着呢?没人知道 , 因为那山上的树实在是太多了、太密了 , 几乎没有一个地方是荒芜的 , 至于为什么我能如此地断定 , 是因为没有什么东西能骗到秋天这架清晰的眼镜 。山的附近住着许多人家 , 他们的稻田被秋风掀过 , 泛起了一片一片金黄色的浪花 , 那些农夫 , 遍曲着腰 , 拿着镰刀 , 哼着小曲儿收获着他们的劳动果实 。带着这架眼镜 , 我们前往了那河水的境界 , 陆河的水虽然不多 , 可是仍然可以看到一些小河 。那水面如镜子般 , 把树的绿色也窃取了过来 , 把自己也装扮得花绿花绿的 。看 , 那秋天的风儿正从河上轻轻掠过呢!水面被轻盈的风儿剥开了一条纹路 , 那水纹泛起几个圈儿 , 追随着风儿的去向 。

介绍一条河流英语作文 美丽的陆河作文250字


Luhe county is almost 100 percent hakka county. According to the knowledge, some residents of the hengilong district of xintian town have both the hakka and the "fug". In the Yellow River basin, the first people of lu, the first people in the Yellow River valley, have been in the history of the famine, and in the first part, they have arrived in the ancient dragon river, the fujian province, and the jiangxi province. Their customs and customs are mostly kept in the color of the central plains, but they are also influenced by the custom of the people of fujian. In traditional festivals, they form their own unique traditions.
陆河县几乎是的客家县 。据了解 , 新田镇横陇管区有部分居民既讲客家话又通晓“福佬”话 。陆河先民原居 黄河流域 , 历史上由于灾荒 , 而分批南迁 , 先后抵达古龙川、福建汀州以至江西 。他们的生活风俗习惯大多保留着中原人的色彩 , 但多少也受闽粤福佬人习俗之影响 。而传统节日 , 他们却形成了自己独特的传统 。
My home town
My hometown is PuNing, it is located in the east of guangdong province county lies in following, lotus foothill, chaoshan northwest plain, rongjiang NaHe ethnics-people. Located in longitude 115 '36, to 116' 18, 23, latitude – 23 ' '18, 41,. The east and LiuHe jiedong county.the author put forward connected, southwest and northwest PuNingShi borders, county, with five FengShun, adjacent to the enterprise.
【介绍一条河流英语作文 美丽的陆河作文250字】Following is one of the mountainous area county of guangdong province. Mountain (including hills, of the total area of 84.9%. Northwest mountain, midlands, southeastern plains. With the county-wide highest elevation 1222 meters of li hope for the big mountains in the peak, exceptional, and forming a natural barrier, from northwest to southeast tilting gradually for open plains, the lowest elevation 3.2 meters (cotton lake GongShan yankees).
Belong to subtropical monsoon climate, the perennial mild climate, abundant precipitation solar-thermal enough. Annual average temperature ° C, January 212 for ° C, 1.27 28.1 ° C for July, extremely high in 1982 July 28 ° C, extreme to 37.3 low-temperature is January 17, 1976 ° C for – 2.4. Rizhao annual average 1884 hour, a maximum of 1971 2262 hours, the least 1975 only 1576 hours. The frost-free period of 300 days or more. Frost, most appear in December and February. Average annual rainfall 2105 millimeter, more rainfall of ping on lotus average annual rainfall 2612 mm.
I love PuNing, I love my hometown.
The autumn wind is floating in the world, floating and drifting, the fruit of autumn harvest in every corner, our land river is also in the autumn.
There is no red maple leaf dancing in the wind. The autumn of the land river is plain, it is like a poor little girl, pure and beautiful.
In the autumn, there is no barrier of heavy rain and no fog, and every scene is very clear. Look at the mountain over there, it looks as if it were doodled by the sun, half dark green and half green. The mountain stood still, but who knew how many trees were rolling in the mountains? No one knows, because the trees on the hill is too much, too close, almost no one place is desolate, as to why I can so absolutely sure that because nothing can cheat to fall the clear glasses. Living near mount a lot of people, their rice fields been autumn wind wave, a golden waves, one piece on the farmer, it around his waist, with a sickle, humming a little song to harvest the fruits of their Labour. With this pair of glasses, we went to the boundary of the river, where there was not much water, but we could still see some small rivers. The water, like a mirror, stole the green from the tree and made it green. Look, the autumn wind is passing gently over the river! The surface of the water was stripped by the lightness of the wind, and there were several circles in the water, followed by the wind.
The sky of autumn is so light, there is no bright light in summer, and there is no winter gloom. Looking up, it was a picture, and I didn't know which one was drawing so much. The clouds were thin and thin, and they seemed to be able to snatch it. I think you can't wait to see the white of the sky in your arms.
Upset? Take a deep breath in the fall of the land river, which is a real pleasure. In this air, there is no pollution of excessive vehicle exhaust, some are just plants and flowers and fresh, refreshing and refreshing. When you touch the air with your hand, you can feel it so meticulous and so spotless.
Carefully read Liu He fall, even if it is not a beautiful poem, but you still can feel the beauty of artistic conception, it is a simple picture, once you find it beautiful, it will be of great value.
秋天的风在世界里缓缓飘荡着 , 飘呀飘呀 , 在每个角落都收获秋天的果实 , 我们的陆河这时候也是正值秋季 。
陆河的秋天并非诗意般的优美 , 这里没有红红的枫叶在风中舞蹈 。陆河的秋天是朴实的 , 它就像一个贫穷的小姑娘 , 纯真而美丽 。
在秋天 , 没有大雨的阻碍也没有浓雾的纠缠 , 每个景物都显得格外清晰 。瞧那边的山 , 放眼望去 , 好像被阳光涂鸦了一遍似的 , 一半是墨绿的 , 一半是青绿的 。山在那儿屹立着一丝不动 , 可谁又知道那山上究竟有多少树在左右摇晃着呢?没人知道 , 因为那山上的树实在是太多了、太密了 , 几乎没有一个地方是荒芜的 , 至于为什么我能如此地断定 , 是因为没有什么东西能骗到秋天这架清晰的眼镜 。山的附近住着许多人家 , 他们的稻田被秋风掀过 , 泛起了一片一片金黄色的浪花 , 那些农夫 , 遍曲着腰 , 拿着镰刀 , 哼着小曲儿收获着他们的劳动果实 。带着这架眼镜 , 我们前往了那河水的境界 , 陆河的水虽然不多 , 可是仍然可以看到一些小河 。那水面如镜子般 , 把树的绿色也窃取了过来 , 把自己也装扮得花绿花绿的 。看 , 那秋天的风儿正从河上轻轻掠过呢!水面被轻盈的风儿剥开了一条纹路 , 那水纹泛起几个圈儿 , 追随着风儿的去向 。
秋天的天空是那么的清淡 , 没有夏天的强光 , 也没有冬天的阴沉 。抬头向上望去 , 那就是一幅画 , 也不知道是哪个名画手画得那么传神 , 那么自然 。那云朵儿稀薄稀薄的 , 似乎可以一手把它抓散 。我想 , 你已经迫不及待地想把那天空的白揽入怀中仔细端详了吧 。
心烦了?在陆河的秋天中深吸一口气吧 , 那可真是一种享受 。这空气中 , 没有过分的车尾气的污染 , 有的只是花花草草的清新 , 让你心旷神怡 , 头脑格外清醒 。在用手去抚摸那空气 , 你可以感受到它如此的细致 , 如此的一尘不染 。
仔细品读陆河的秋天 , 即使它不是一首优美的诗歌 , 可你仍然能感受到这个意境的美 , 它是一幅朴素的画 , 一旦你发现了它的美丽 , 它就会变得很有价值 。