和外国人结婚要准备哪些手续 中国女孩和美籍华人男友结婚要哪些手续

和外国人结婚要准备哪些手续 中国女孩和美籍华人男友结婚要哪些手续


Chinesecitizens and foreigners who apply for marriage registration arerequired to present the following certificates and documents:
1.ForChinese citizens:
(1)Householdregistration certificate;
(2)Residentidentification card;
(3)Maritalstatus certification issued by the people’s government at thecounty level or above, which is stationed in locality where theapplicant has his/her residence registration, or by a governmentdepartment, a school, an institution, or an enterprise at the countylevel or above, which is the applicants’ work place.
(3)县级以上人民政府或者县级以上政府部门、学校、事业单位、企业作为申请人的工作场所,出具的婚姻状况证明 。
(1)Applicant’spassport, or identification certificate or nationality certificate;
(2)“ResidencePermit for Foreigners ” signed and issued by the publicsecurity department, or identification certificate issued by foreignaffairs department, or entry permit and residence permit forforeigners who come to China for short stay;
(3)Maritalstatus certification issued by the notary office of the applicant’scountry and confirmed by both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or adepartment authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of theapplicant’s country and the Chinese embassy or consulate in thesaid foreign country; or marital status certification issued by theembassy or consulate of the said foreign country in China.
(3)由申请人所在国公证处出具并经申请人所在国外交部(或者外交部授权的部门)和中国驻外使领馆确认的婚姻状况证明;或者由该外国驻华使领馆出具的婚姻状况证明 。
3.Forresident foreigners in China
(1)Applicant’spassport, or identification certificate or nationality certificateused to substitute for passport, or identification certificate ornationality certificate used to substitute for passport (thosewho have no nationality may be exempted from presenting theirnationality certificates);
(2)“ResidencePermit for Foreigners” signed and issued by the public securitydepartment;
(3)Maritalstatus certification signed and issued either by the people’sgovernment at the county level or above, which is stationed in thelocality where the applicant has his/her residence registration, orby a government department, a school, an institution, or anenterprise at the county level or above, which is the applicant’splace of work; In addition, both the man and the woman applying forthe marriage registration shall also present the pre-marital healthcheck-up report signed and issued by a hospital designated by themarriage registration department.
【和外国人结婚要准备哪些手续 中国女孩和美籍华人男友结婚要哪些手续】(3)由申请人居住地所在地县级以上人民政府或者政府部门、学校、事业单位、县级以上企业签发的婚姻状况证明;申请结婚登记的男女双方还应当出示由婚姻登记部门指定的医院签发的婚前健康检查报告 。