说话不算数英语 说话算数的英语是什么

当ImeanwhatIsay.想要某人确定某事时,我们通常说“我说话算数”或“我说话算数” 。那就是要有人相信我们说的话 。你可以说这句话“我说话算数” 。
Mom:Dear. Dad and I are going to attend an important party. Would you liketo stay with grandma?妈妈:亲爱的,爸爸和我要去参加一个很重要的宴会,你想要去待在奶奶那吗?Son:No, I prefer to stay at home.儿子:不,我宁愿待在家里 。
Mom:But you are too young to stay alone.妈妈:但是你还很小,不适合自己待着 。Son:It is fine. I can deal with myself. You can give me a call if you are con-venient.儿子:没事啦,我自己能处理自己的事 。你可以在你方便的时候给我打电话 。
Mom:OK, that's a good idea. You promise you will be fine.妈妈:好,这是个好主意,你确保你会好好的 。Son:I mean what I say.儿子:我说话算数 。

说话不算数英语 说话算数的英语是什么


I count my word.我说话算数 。
I am a man of my word.我说到做到 。
My father means what he says, always.我父亲说话算数,从来都是 。
I can't go back on what I said.我不能说话不算数 。
My word is my bond.我说话算数 。
He never goes back on his word.他从不食言 。
Don't break your promise.不要违背诺言 。
It's my call.我说话算话 。
He often fails to keep his word.他经常不守承诺 。
You can't welch on your promises.你不能说话不算数啊 。
【说话不算数英语 说话算数的英语是什么】He's always been a man of his word.他从来都是个说话算话的人 。