初一英语时态题目及答案解析 初中英语时态选择题及详解

时态是一种具有英语特征的动词形式 。过去的动作要用过去时,将来的动词要用将来时,正在进行的动作要用进行时态,以此类推 。这是边肖收藏的初中英语时态综合题 。让我们来看看!
【2012 烟台中考】29. —I phoned you at 7:00 this morning. But there was no answer.
—Well, maybe I______ morning exercises at that time.
A. was doing B. did C is doing D. would do
【2012山东枣庄】17. In England we have a saying: It’s the thought that _______.
A. minds B. counts C. needs D. sounds

初一英语时态题目及答案解析 初中英语时态选择题及详解


【2012山东枣庄】18. The sport of basketball _______ by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries.
A. is short B. is made C. is played D. is taught
【2012山东枣庄】20. I want to write for international ______ to become a writer.
A. chairs B. computers C. doors D. magazines
【2012陕西】26. —Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.
—Sorry, Mum. I _______ on the phone.
A. am talking B. talked C. was talking D. have talked
forget用于一般现在时表示暂时忘了或一时记不起 。如:
I forget who told me this. 我忘了这是谁告诉我的 。
Oh, I forget where she lives. 啊,我忘了她在哪儿住了 。

初一英语时态题目及答案解析 初中英语时态选择题及详解


用于现在完成时,表示遗忘的彻底性,即忘得精光 。如:
I've forgotten where I put it. 我忘了把它放在哪儿了 。
I've forgotten her telephone number. 我忘了她的电话号码了 。
用于一般过去时,指“过去”忘记 。如:
I forgot to ask Tom. 我忘了去问汤姆 。
To my shame, I forgot his birthday. 我把他的生日忘了,真不好意思 。
在间接引语中,若主句为过去时态,则用于宾语从句中的间接引语则要把将来完成进行时改为过去将来完成进行时 。如:
I know by this time next week you’ll have been working here for 30 years.
→I knew by that time he would have been working there for 30 years.
She will have been teaching in this university for 20 years by this summer.
→She told me she’d have been teaching in that university for 20 years by that summer.
在特定的语境中,有时过去将来完成进行时可用虚拟语气中 。如:
At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of the car,because Tom’s little boy was sitting beside him in front. If Tom’s boy had not been there I would have been sitting in front. 事故发生的时候,我坐在车子的后座,因为汤姆的小儿子坐在前边他的身旁 。要是汤姆的孩子没坐在那里的话,我就会坐在前面了 。
过去完成进行时由“had been+现在分词”构成,因此无人称变化 。
The ground was wet. It had been raining. 地是湿的 。此前一直在下雨 。
At last the bus came. I had been waiting for half an hour. 最后公共汽车来了,我已等了半小时 。
She was out of breath. She had been running. 她气喘吁吁,她一直在跑来着 。
【初一英语时态题目及答案解析 初中英语时态选择题及详解】He gave up smoking last year. He’d been smoking for twenty years. 去年他戒烟了 。他抽烟已经二十年 。