托福考试 口语 最新托福口语题型

1 托福考试口语模板
模版是一个帮助我们提升口语的非常有用的工具,但是,在使用模版的同时也要注意,不要使用他们too much.使用地太多就会使我们的表达变得枯燥乏味 。下面是小编为您整理的关于托福考试口语模板,希望对你有所帮助 。

托福考试 口语 最新托福口语题型


Task 1
Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________.And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What'smore, ____________________. So that's why____________________.
Task 2
Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________.More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that's why I choose____________________ for the two reasons listed above.
Task 3
The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to____________________.And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reasons/he gives is that____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion.
Task 4
In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________.To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one i that____________________. The other one is that____________________.And that's the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. )
Task 5
In this conversation, the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that____________________. And the woman/man offers him/her two possible solutions. One is____________________. The other is ____________________. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because____________________.
Task 6
In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________. The first one is that____________________. Another example is that____________________. And that's the two examples the speaker presented to explain the theory/phenomenon. (Still, the conclusion is optional. )
虽然托福考试题目有一定的规律,但是即便是总结出考试的规律和套路,也需要考生做大量的练习来适应这样的套路 。托福口语考试的前两道题套用模板可行性较高,但是后面四道题却还要考察考生的阅读和听力,如果没有听懂材料,即便是背了再多模板也是没有用的 。所以后面四道题要求考生在使用模板时必需拥有良好的基础,保证自己能够听懂听力内容 。
套用口语万能模板是很多考生在短期内突击考试时所选用的方法 。这样“临时抱佛脚”或许会产生一些效果,但是也会出现一些问题 。比如,模板肯定不止一人在背记使用,所以当太多人都去用同样的模板时,就会产生大家说的都是同样的内容,而使考官失去了新鲜感 。而且很多考生在考前并没有做相对应的准备,所以造成很多时候考生拿着模板生搬硬套到一个题目上,导致了驴唇不对马嘴的情况的发生 。所以对于万能模板的使用还是要谨慎,要经过自己的仔细甄别 。
套用万能模板会出现很多问题,但若是考生能够构建自己的口语答题模板,那么答题效果就会好很多,也能够让自己在考试中迅速反应作答,避免出现卡顿 。那么,考生该如何构建自己的答题模板呢?
【托福考试 口语 最新托福口语题型】构建自己的答题模板首先要对口语考试中常考的题型有足够的了解,熟悉了题型才能有针对性地组建自己的答题模板 。然后,考生要针对各个题型做大量练习,在练习中组建适合自己的口语答题模板 。
准备托福口语答题模板可以让自己在口语考试中表达更加流畅,但是网上流传的万能答题模板一定要谨慎使用 。建议大家根据不同的题目类型和内容来组建个性的口语答题模板 。
1. 细节变得更多:
特别是Task3这种校园话题,在conversation中,男生和女生闲聊的内容会更多些,personal information就会变得更多,记笔记的时候就会更忙 。
2. 笔记制胜
平时练习的时候大家可能没有感觉,但是到了考场就会有一种突如其来的孤独感:文本,听力原文什么都没有,只有笔记和自己相依为命 。

托福考试 口语 最新托福口语题型


所以笔记是非常非常重要的 。
3. 不同task的focus:
Task3: 细节
Task4: 故事主干
Task5: 个人原因阐述
Task6: 两个例子的完整性
在记笔记的时候,每一个task的侧重点都会有不同,请同学们一定注意 。
尤其是task6,切忌狂记,一定要有选择性的去记笔记 。
Using the examples from the lecture, explain two ways the railroad system changed business in the United States.
Ok, so we’ve been talking about various factors that have changed the United States’ economy. One especially important factor is the development of railroads. When the railroad system expended to almost the US, it fundamentally changedthe way business perform in this country.
For one thing, it expanded and the railroad enable companies to start selling their goods to all of the country. Since trains could now transport merchandise all over US, companies could now sell good to customers pretty much anywhere ofthe country.
For example. There was a big company that sold quartz. The company started in a big city. And before the development of railroad, the company could only sell its quartz to people living in or near the city. But when the railroadexpanded, the company could load their quartz on trains and have it delivered to all parts of the country.
第一段有没有同学很想不由自主记笔记的?但是你记完了就会发现:没有任何用!因为第一段是背景知识的交代和细节阐示 。所以第一段基本上:不用记!
那从哪里开始?第二段!因为从第二段开始,professor才开始详细讲述railroad给美国经济带来的实际性的好处,所以,第二段才有关键信息涵盖在内 。
以上是口语笔记的一些最基本的技巧,大家可以在平时练习中作为参考 。