出境的英文单词 驱逐出境的英文

A: I've received an offer from an American University and I intend to go to study there next month.
【出境的英文单词 驱逐出境的英文】B: That's so great, and are you all set?
A: I-20 form, passport and ticket have been prepared. Do I need any other documents?
B: A vaccination certificate is also required.
A: Oh, I see. Besides, what if the two pieces of checked luggage are too heavy?
B: That won't work then. Each piece of luggage has to be less than thirty-two kilograms.
A: What about the carry-on luggage?
B: There is no limit, but they should not be too heavy.
A: And could you give me some tips about must-haves?
B: You'd better prepare some change before departure. It will be convenient for you to make calls or hail a taxi after landing.
A: Anything else?
B: In order to adapt to the local environment, you should correct your watch to local time after boarding on the plane.
A: Thanks for your advice.
B: You're welcome. Wish you a good trip and succeed in your study!
A:我已经收到了美国大学的录取通知书,打算下个月去美国留学 。
A: I-20表格、护照和机票都准备好了,还需要其他文件吗?
B:你还需要去开检疫证明 。
A: 哦,知道了 。还有,我这次托运的两件行李太重了怎么办呢?
B:太重肯定是不行的,每件必须限制在32千克以内 。
B:没有限制,不过也不宜太重 。
B:离境前比较好准备一些零钱,方便你到美国后打电话或打车 。
B:为了适应当地环境,你可以在登机后调成美国当地时间 。
A:谢谢您的建议 。

出境的英文单词 驱逐出境的英文


I-20 form, passport and ticket have been prepared. Do I need any other documents?
O Necessary documents are all ready. Is there anything else I should pay particular attention to?
O You should write down the address and contact number of the person who will pick you up at the airport.你应该记下接机人的地址和联络电话 。
O You'd better keep copies of important documents.你比较好保留重要证件的副本 。
And could you give me some tips acour must-haves?
O Before leaving, what else should I do?临行前我还需要做什么其他准备吗?
O You should note down the number of your traveler's check. You can cancel it immediately if your check get lost.你应该记下旅行支票的号码,如果遗失可以马上注销 。
O You'd better carry a thin coat, a bottle of skin cream and other small items for a rainy day. But the capacity of skin cream should not be over 100ml.
你比较好随身带一件薄外套、护肤霜等小件物品,以备不时之需,但护肤霜不得超过100毫升 。