关于交通的英语作文简单 交通英文作文

交通运输是指从事客货运输和语言文字传输的行业,包括交通运输和邮电通信,属于国民经济中的第三产业 。你想了解如何写英语作文交通?吗这里是边肖收集的一些关于交通的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.
Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra – crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc.
We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.

关于交通的英语作文简单 交通英文作文


Increase Public Transportation
Beijing is faced with an uphill battle to improve deteriorating air quality and alleviate traffic jams caused by the surge in car use. What is the best way to decrease the number of private automobiles on the road? In my opinion, developing sustainable public transportation strategies should be given top priority.
北京正在加紧提高空气质量,减少交通堵塞状况,这些都是因为汽车的增加而造成的 。减少私家车的最有效途径是什么呢?我认为,发展可持续性的公共交通是当务之急 。
Firstly, a well-managed and punctual public transportation system makes commuting and travelling easier and more convenient. One big headache for private car drivers is the annoying traffic jams. However, some forms of public transport, such as subway, magnetically levitated train4 and light rail transit can help commuters and travellers avoid traffic jams, greatly reducing their time wasted on the road. Furthermore, by taking public transport, people will no longer be bothered by looking everywhere for a parking place. Therefore, a service-oriented and user-focused public transportation system will definitely attract more private car owners, making it possible for the car owners to keep their cars in the garage and choose public transport. Secondly, public transport serves as an economic alternative to cars. The Chinese government will provide a total of l.3 billion yuan to help Beijing's bus companies reduce fares to only l yuan per ride. The high oil price and auto maintenance cost deter car owners from driving their cars. Since public transport is so cheap, there should be no economic reason to drive a car in the city.
首先,运行良好的公共交通体系将会使出行和旅行更加简单和方便 。私家车主最头疼的就是交通拥堵 。但是,许多公共交通,例如,地铁、磁悬浮列车、轻轨都会帮助我们的乘客避免交通堵塞,这将会大大减少出行的时间 。此外,乘坐交通工具,人们将不再为停车而烦恼 。所以,以服务为主题的公共交通体系将会吸引司机车主,这将会使私家车主不开汽车,而是使用公共交通出行 。第二,比起私家车,公共交通更为省钱 。中国政府已经投资了13亿,这使得公交车的价格仅仅为每人一元 。高油价和养路费将会阻碍人们开车 。由于公共交通的廉价,我想,没有人会再开私家车了 。
In conclusion, public transportation should be given a strategic position in the city's sustainable development planning so as to reduce private car use and ultimately relieve the city's traffic jams.
总结,公共交通是一种策略性的方案,这会提高城市可持续发展的水平,这样我们才能减少私家车的出行,并最终减轻城市交通堵塞问题 。
We are now really ambivalent about private cars because they, despite contributing greatly to our life, are also the root causes for chains of aftermaths: intensification of congestion, worsening air quality, and even the decrease of public physique. Being afraid that the situation will go further, we are now putting public transportation again in our sights. However, because of some subtle reasons, instancing vanity or self-esteem, some of us turn their backs to accepting short-distance buses or interstate coaches. Thus, several approaches should be adopted to encourage them.
The re-organization of bus routes and improvement of infrastructure should come first. Local authorities always focus their attention on some “hot spots”, such as downtown, prestige neighborhoods, and the districts with dense population but are deaf to the strong demands from those “less important” areas, including suburb areas and the ones of complicated geographical conditions, where eventually become “blind spots”. Failing the access to public transportation, the grass-roots in these places have perforce to choose private cars. If bettered roads and reformed traffic arrangement allow buses to reach these people and they will not shrug this way off because it is so environmentally-friendly and, more importantly, can also ease their economic burden.
【关于交通的英语作文简单 交通英文作文】Another strategy for stirring the public to use public transportation should be related to governmental propaganda and some special services should also be provided aboard. The practice of France can teach us a lot. The local authorities of Paris organize an activity called “Busing Your Dream”, the mileages of a passenger will be exchanged to his credit and this credit will be very helpful for a passenger to apply for personal loan or jobs because banks and companies believe that the citizen loving environment is trustworthy, and vice versa. Meanwhile, bus companies also provide weather forecast and exclusive news. It is obvious that the carrot and stick approach is also powerful in this aspect.
In conclusion, the popularity of public transportation can only be fulfilled by the government and public, thus, the key to this problem is that the two parties must spend collective efforts, both in hardware and awareness.
An airplane is a form of transportation that has changed people's lives. Thanks to the plane, our lives are now faster, more exciting, and more convenient that before.
You cannot deny that a plane is fast. For example, the Concorde flies at supersonic speed. A businessman can leave Paris at 11 a.m. in the morning and arrive in New York at 8 a.m. the same morning in time for a day's work. Many business people in Europe will fly to London for a noon morning in time for a day's work. Many business people in Europe will fly to London for a noon meeting and then return home to Rome or Madrid for dinner.
It is always exciting to take a plane trip. When you take a trip by plane, you know that you might cross many time zones, many oceans, and many countries. When you get off the plane, you could be in a place that speaks a different language. A plane is like a magician's trick. You get in a box and you come out somewhere totally different.
Nothing can beat the convenience of a plane. In the old days, it might take you days to do what the plane can do it an hour. Boats, for example, only leave on certain days of the week and take a long time to get to their destination. Planes give you the option to leave several times a day and get you to your destination quickly.
Although other forms of transportation may be more comfortable, none has changed the way we do business and live our lives more than the plane. Thanks to the speed, excitement, and convenience of the planes, our lives are richer.