雅思必背短语 雅思写作常用句

1. He has been demoted.
他被降职了 。
2. I have been promoted to a manager.
我被升职做经理了 。
3. He got sacked.
他被解雇了 。
4. His performance this month has been less than satisfactory.
他这个月的业绩不是很令人满意 。
5. Have you reached your predicted quota for this quarter?
【雅思必背短语 雅思写作常用句】你达到了本季度预期的梢售额了吗?
6. Their partnership is solid as a rock.
他们的伙伴关系像岩石一样坚不可摧 。
7. His poor performance gave rise to the challenge from his boss.
他差劲的表现遭到了老板的批评 。
8. I heard that five people are going be laid off next month.
我听说公司下个月要裁掉五个员工 。
9. 1 am only a regular 9-to-5er.
我只是一个平凡的朝九晚五上班族 。
12. We go off shift at six in the evening.
我们每天下午六点下班 。
13. What are you up to?
14. In the middle of something?
15. I’m up to my neck in work.
我现在忙得不可开交 。
16. Today is terrible. It’s been one thing after another.
今天真是太可怕了,事情一件接着一件 。
17. Really busy! I had to work right through my lunch break.
太忙了!我午休的时候都在于活 。
18. I have to work very long hours.
我不得不工作很长时间 。
19. I have to take work home with me.
我不得不把工作带回家做 。
20. 1 have to work overtime during the weekend.
我周末还得加班 。
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