鸭嘴兽的英语怎么读 鸭嘴兽的英文

鸭嘴兽的英语怎么读 鸭嘴兽的英文


英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,韦博英语为各位同学提供常用英语口语、学商务英语口语方法、日常英语口语对话、口语交际、英语情景对话等…本篇是:鸭嘴兽的英语,希望对大家有所帮助 。
A :The platypus of Australia is a strange animal.B: Yes.
A: It lays eggs like a hen. It has a fur coat and a bill like a duck.B: Its front feet are webbed like those of a duck. The back feet have claws like a wombat which are used for digging.
A: The platypus swims in small rivers. Its home is made in the river bank near the water.B: A long hole goes to a place which becomes wider.
A: There are several branches of the tunnel with dead ends. These are made by the adult platypus to fool an enemy which might come looking for the babies.B: That's right.
A:澳大利亚的鸭嘴兽真是奇怪的动物 。B:是啊 。
A:它像母鸡一样下蛋,还有一身的毛和鸭子一样的喙 。B:它的前脚有像鸭子一样的蹼,后脚则是像树袋熊一样的爪子用来刨土 。
A:鸭嘴兽潜浮在小河里,巢穴安在河边 。B:它的家是一个深洞,里面越来越宽敞 。
【鸭嘴兽的英语怎么读 鸭嘴兽的英文】A:洞里会有多个死胡同,是成年鸭嘴兽为戏弄追杀幼年鸭嘴兽的敌人开凿的 。B:说得对 。英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,尽量以浅显的方式介绍,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话 。建议大家多说多练,或者参加韦博英语培训,快速提升英语水平 。