雅思作文怎么自学 如何写好雅思作文

1 雅思 的作文应该怎么学
不少学员在考雅思的时候,一看到写作,头就大了,不知道如何下笔,或者是不懂如何去表达内心的想法 。下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思的作文应该怎么学的资料,欢迎查阅 。

雅思作文怎么自学 如何写好雅思作文


写作的重点 。小作文写什么,这是很多考生头疼的一个问题 。题目中会有大量的数据,这个我们根据题目的要求去做是最直接的解决办法 。题目中会有这样的要求:Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 也就是说我们所需要写的是图表的主要特点,另外再需要比较的地方就一定要进行比较 。掌握了这一点,再辅以我们的练习,我想在写作内容和重点的选取上我们就不会有太大的问题了 。
数据的使用 。小作文最明显的一个特征就是在图表型文章中会有大量的数据,我们除了要把它的主要特点趋势写出来,还要注意数据的引入 。因为这类文章是说明文,只有你自己的说明文字,没有相关数据的引入,同样显得没有生气、缺乏说服力 。段落的分配‘很多同学小作文得6分可能不那么难,但是得6.5或7分就有很大的难度,笔者认为段落的分配是起很大作用的,当然要保证你在以上四点都有很好的表现 。
我们非常清楚,小作文主要分三部分:开头段、主体段、结尾段,这是一个大纲 。在主体段部分,如果你能根据具体的图表情况,把它有所组合,那么说明你在分析题目、分析数据的能力上要胜人一筹 。也就是说,你可以根据具体情况,把变化形势相同或相近的放到一起去写,进行重新组合,这样的话,胜算就要大一些 。总之,在小作文的写作上,考生同样不可忽视,把握好以上的几个方面 。
In the past, knowledge was stored in books; nowadays, knowledge is stored in the Internet. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?过去知识储藏在书籍里,现在知识保存在网络中 。是利是弊?
In the current era, knowledge can be preserved on the Internet. Some people may argue that there exist more drawbacks when books are substituted by the Internet in terms of storing knowledge, but I cannot agree with this opinion.
Admittedly, users may be confused about knowledge on the Internet. Most authors hold a serious attitude towards publishing a book and will be responsible for what they write in their books. However, since the Internet is open to everyone, many amateurs pretend to be masters in some domains and deliberately spread incorrect information, which brings difficulties to beginners since they may not tell the different between right and wrong. Nevertheless, there still exist more merits if information is preserved on the Internet.
To begin with, storing knowledge on the Internet may avoid knowledge loss to some degree. It is true that books can contain knowledge, but most books will deteriorate with age and cannot be read anymore after decades of years. However, if knowledge is stored on the Internet, as long as computers are not damaged, knowledge can still be obtained from hard drives after a long time. Thus, Internet can store knowledge for a longer time while books are limited by characteristics of paper.
In addition, users may save a lot of time when they search information on the Internet. In the past, when people intended to find a book they want, they had to go to a library and wasted some time on finding books on the shelf. By contrast, with search engines, users can acquire knowledge in a short time by typing in some key words in a database. There is no need for people to spend time on commuting and they can just sit in front of a computer and gain what they need quickly.
To sum up, the merits of storing knowledge on the Internet may overshadow the detriments caused, considering that computers can preserve knowledge for a longer time and users can find information they need efficiently.
即从题目给出的话题中找出这个现象产生的原因来扩展背景句 。这种方法适合大多数的话题,考生要尽量在考前做练习,这样在考试就可以得心应手了 。
There are social,medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What forms do they take?Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones?(高分范文P76)
这个题目中给出的话题是mobile phone,所以考生可以从它产生的原因来考虑,就是科技的繁荣,而科技的繁荣,手机的广泛使用是在20世纪末,这样背景句就有内容可写了 。当然要通过相应的句型来写了 。如…(time)witnessed…
这个背景句就可以写成:The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology,which gave rise to a series of technological innovations,including the mobile phone.

雅思作文怎么自学 如何写好雅思作文


即对关于这个话题的当前现状的重述 。
Nowadays,people are facing more and more work-related stress.State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it 。
本题的话题关于压力,那考生可从当前社会现象来考虑这个问题,考生不难想出当下对压力这一现象的情况,即很多人都在承受着或多或少的压力 。可用it is generally believed that…形式主语的句型 。
参考:It is generally believed that white-collar as well as blue-collars workers are suffering from psychological and physical stress stemming from work.
即通过对话题词的定义的介绍,这种方法有一定难度,考生需要有渊博的知识,才能做到对名词的解释,但对特别明显的词语,考生可借鉴这种方法 。
The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books should not waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software,videos and DVDs.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
从以上的分析,我们发现在内容上是有方法了,不难从内容上找材料,可是如果句型积累不多的话,写出来的句子也是无法得到高分的,因此备考时掌握高分句型也是很重要的 。
1、首先需要做好雅思备考写作词汇短语的积累工作 。
大多数考生都会有一个误区,他们以为只需要背诵了某些参考书上所谓的模板,又去积累些论据,那么写作的问题便可以轻松的解决,但却不清楚最后却不能得到真正的解决 。在此的积累并不只是死记硬背,应该是通过把一个单词的不同形式与它的同义表达等放到一起记忆就事半功倍 。若遇到一个新词,就要在脑中搜寻它的相关信息,这样一来,就能在考试这么短的时间中马上浮现了 。但是一次的记忆是远远不够的,所以适时的重复记忆也非常重要 。
2、多看高分范文,同时再针对当中的词汇句型多样性进行总结 。
雅思写作机经的重要性其实就体现在这里面 。大家在备考过程里看范文时,一般都只是从整体上学习了它论据的安排,从而把细节的词汇句型的运用忽略了,因此教师在上课时也要合理安排时间,将一部分用在对其的讲解上 。学生最好准备一本笔记本专门用做记录好词好句和其转换形式 。
3、加强雅思写作学习的不断练习以及记忆 。
经常都有学生提出,作文提高是否只需要多写几篇即可,事实上答案是否定的 。在此表示的是加强练习是在一定的基础之上的,也就是大家已经基本掌握了雅思写作的各项要求 。如此练习才可以做到有的放矢 。通过几次的练习,能检查出学生多样性的掌握情况,并对症下药,了解不足处,在真正考试中能突围而出 。
【雅思作文怎么自学 如何写好雅思作文】雅思写作一直都是雅思考试四项里最难的,同时还是最可以体现考生语言功底的,但是词汇与句型的多样性就成为了它具体的体现 。写作以及阅读有密切的关系,也建议学生能多阅读外文杂志报纸,原著等,在阅读时,要注意外国人是如何遣词造句的,尤其是词性用法的多样性 。希望教师和考生们共同努力,将写作水平拉上一个档次 。