托福口语task1和task2的区别 托福口语task2答题思路

新增加的托福口语部分允许考生在听力和阅读的同时做笔记 。这一对考生处于“听时懂,听后忘”的紧张状态;“读时知,读后忘”的现象确实是一种有益的帮助 。以下为您整理了托福口语task1答案,希望对您有所帮助 。

托福口语task1和task2的区别 托福口语task2答题思路


考题回忆:你认为智能手机下列哪个功能对学生的日常生活(daily life)最有用:手机拍照/听歌/recording lecture?
Which of the following three functions of mobile phones is the most useful for students? 1. listening to music, 2. taking photos, 3. shooting videos.
三选一的题目,一般三个选项之间并无优劣之分 。建议考生先快速选择一个,最好是有easy opinion的选项,然后按以下任一思路展开:
1. 选A,两个分论点均说A的优点;
2. 选A,第一个分论点说A的优点,第二个分论点说B/C的缺点(最好可以结合A展开);
3. 选A,第一个分论点说A的优点,第二个分论点说尽管B/C有什么好,还是选A,因为…;
In my opinion, recording lectures is definitely the most useful and only useful function for students among these three options;
To begin with, there are a great number of lectures and courses for students to learn in the campus, and students cannot understand everything fully if they just listen once, so it is necessary to record and play back so thatstudents won’t feel stressful if they miss certain points in the class; On the other hand, the functions of listening to music or taking photos can be distracting to students and wouldn’t be helpful to their study, while I believethe major task for students in the campus is to learn.
【托福口语task1和task2的区别 托福口语task2答题思路】I think taking photos is the most important. I can take pictures of my parents to record the happy moment before they get old. Since I travels a lot, I can use my phone to create beautiful pictures and share with my friends onFacebook. Besides, it could be fun. Study in college is highly demanding and boring. It brings you a lot of pressure. Our schedules can be very tight. We have to handle all those theories, experiments, papers, exams and internships.So taking pictures and sharing some funny photos with your friends can be a good way to relax.
Personally speaking, taking pictures plays the biggest role for students. In class, students nowadays take pictures of professors’ slides instead of taking notes on notebooks. In this way, they can pay full attention on listeningand they will understand what the lecture is about, rather than being distracted of writing down the key points. In life, students use phone cameras to record whatever they like, like food, sceneries, selfies, or social events. They postpictures on social media, sharing with their friends. Besides, they are taking the class, and in class, they are not allowed to listen to music. So compared with picture taking, music playing and the recording are just minor roles.
人类瞬时记忆的有限性,可以用速记方式加以弥补 。新托福考试增加的口语部分就允许考生在听、读的同时作些笔记 。这对考生在紧张的状态下产生的“听时明白听后忘;读时明白读完忘”的现象确实是一个有益的帮助 。快而准的笔记能帮助考生准确地回忆刚刚读到、听到的内容,进而使考生能用恰当的语言准确地回答问题以取得满意的成绩 。因而,培养一种高效的速记能力在新托福考试中不仅显得至关重要,而且势在必行 。
考试中运用怎样的速记方法因人而异,你甚至可以自创一套独特的、只有自己可以辨认的速记符号,但关键的问题是你的速记要有助于你迅速而准确地回想起一次性听到的、读到的东西 。所以,“快”而“准”就成了迅速记笔记所应遵循的准则 。

托福口语task1和task2的区别 托福口语task2答题思路


作记录并不等于毫无遗漏地将听到看到的每一个词都记录下来,那既是不必要的,也是不现实的、不可能的,特别是在新托福的口语考试中 。作记录应着重那些能反映关键信息的关键词,能反映中心意义的核心句 。先将它们符号化,然后再将这些符号还原成先前听到或读到的内容 。请看下面的例子:
In 1337, a terrible war began between England and France, and this war continued for almost a hundred years.
记录:1337,E war F → 100yrs
5、平时要多练习,保证眼耳手嘴并用,听说读写结合,并严格按考试要求的时间操练 。
1.间接转述(Indirect Speech)
口语复述的实质是将听到的和看到的话语用自己的话以口头方式再转达出来 。“直接引述”是直接引用说话人的原话,而要用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来就称为“间接转述” 。托福口语考试中一般应采用“间接转述”的方法:针对特定问题,用自己的话把读到、听到的对话内容或演讲内容再重复出来 。对考生来说,这当然是一个更高层次的要求 。因为,首先要听得懂、读得懂别人的观点,其次才能在此基础上进行加工处理,变为自己的语言再陈述出准确意思来 。这时候,“善于把别人的东西据为己有”就不再是一个“恶劣的行径”了 。此时此刻,它将转化为一个极为有效的、甚至是高效的手段,以此来达到“借鸡下蛋”的目的 。
例1:My mother said: “I’m so tired that I don’t want to cook. Shall we eat out tonight?”
? My mother said that she was so tired that she didn’t want to cook and she suggested that we should eat out that day.
例2:Tom said: “I’ve already seen the film.”
? Tom said that he had already seen the film.
⑴ 在转述的引语前一般要用连词that:(如例1、例2所示);
⑵ 要根据意思改变人称(如例4所示);
⑶ 当要转述的言语为连贯的话语时,应用go on(继续),continue(接着),add(补充)等,以及各种引述动词,如:note(指明),remark(谈及)
⑷ 间接转述不是重复原话,因此,时态要有所变动 。一般来讲,现在时变为过去时,过去时变为过去完成时 。指示代词、地点及时间状语也要作必要改动 。
Paraphrase (to express in a shorter or clearer way what someone has written or said) 就是用你所知道的,或者对你来说较容易的词汇、短语、以及语法去解释那些较为难懂的语句 。
Summarize (to make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, event, report, etc.) 就是用简练话语概括描述一篇材料的中心思想 。
新托福口语考试的听、读材料都不长,三言两语即可概括全文的中心意思,没必要长篇大论 。当然,时间也不允许这样做 。所以,高度概括的口语表达能力是顺利通过托福口语考试的法宝之一 。