1 雅思 作文怎么控制字数
关于雅思写作的谣言,关于雅思写作的字数,并不是字数越多越好 。可以很负责任的说,写太少会扣分,写多了不扣分,但是可不一定就会加分啊!下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思作文怎么控制字数的资料,欢迎查阅 。
![雅思写作增加减少 雅思作文字数不够](http://img.hubeilong.com/230601/05434632I-0.jpg)
想要在雅思写作考试中取得好的成绩,首先一定要保证字数 。如果字数都差了一大截,即便写出的句型非常好,用词也准确,还是不能取得高分的 。
【雅思写作增加减少 雅思作文字数不够】目标分数:6.0分,大作文字数保持在280字以上;
目标分数:6.5分及以上,大作文字数最好在320字以上 。
不同的目标分数段,对于字数的要求也是不同的 。因此,大家在备考的过程中,根据自身的实际情况,首先给自己设定一个目标分数,然后在练习的过程中保证字数要达到相应的标准 。当然字数是写作部分的最低要求 。在字数达标的基础上,还需要把握三点,即句型、词汇以及语法 。
写作水平的提高是一个缓慢的过程,大家在备考写作的过程中,一定要有耐心 。每天都坚持写,写出来的文章最好再交给老师或者朋友做修改 。
1. 书写清楚又认真
如果考官无法看懂你写了什么,他如何能给你评分呢?书写听上去或许没有那么重要,但是要记住:If your writing is too difficult to read, it might just earn you a zero!
2. 不要写太多,也不要写太少
众所周知,雅思写作有字数的要求 。以大作文为例,如果未写满规定的至少250词,视情况成绩会受到不同程度的影响 。当然也并不是说字数越多越好,比如大作文写了260词后,如果还有时间可以仔细检查自己的文章,而不一定要努力冲刺到300词 。Remember that you are penalized1 for mistakes- that’s why they give you an eraser!
3. 忠于题目
写作评分标准中最为重要的一项就是task achievement/task response,也就是说你的文章一定要紧扣题目,围绕主题写 。If you write a whole paragraph2 that is unrelated to the question, it will not be marked.
4. 避免背诵模版
避免使用类似“with the development of technology…”陈词滥调吧 。机械的背诵模版句是很容易被发现并拉低你的分数的 。Always use your own words and ideas.
5. 使用书面用语
不用俚语,不用缩写(如I’m,it’s ,you’ll ,etc),尽量避免使用人称代词,除非为了在大作文中表达你的立场 。Remember this is an academic essay ,and these should still be very formal.
a. Universities usually limit the quantity of new students as well as their genders to create more effective performances of their students with regard to this gender trait. (5分学生作品)
![雅思写作增加减少 雅思作文字数不够](http://img.hubeilong.com/230601/0543464296-1.jpg)
b. Secondly, even though using distance-learning programmes could provide any person with opportunities to learning knowledge in anywhere. While the computer or the study material post only can offer a correct answer or explain to students, the comprehension capability of every student varies from student to student, make it impossible for the computer to offer and explain catered to a students’ particular level of understanding.(5分学生作品)
复杂句和简单句都存在许多问题,写作评分在5分段 。
我们可以发现5分考生们的句式不但不简单,还非常复杂,问题更多的是出在了句子的逻辑通顺和理解上 。
Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.
简洁是英文写作的灵魂,为了做到这一点,要学会去掉所有无关的信息,同时还要学会精简表达,一件事情能用一个词说清楚就坚决不用两个词 。
烤鸭们需要明白communication, accuracy, complexity在雅思写作中的优先顺序:
任何牺牲communication 的高级表达都是耍流氓,分数不会超过6分,a和b 两位同学都在这里掉了链子;
其次是accuracy表达正确,比表达高级来的更加重要 。如果能做到这两点,再能适当的使用complex sentences,就能起到画龙点睛的作用,语法果断上6分,甚至冲7分 。
c. First of all, studying in school allows students to arrange their time reasonably to ensure efficient learning. Teachers in school provide fixed time table for studying. By contrast, study time via Internet is rather flexible; students have the freedom to study by themselves, but for students who lack self-control, their learning task might stay unfinished when the deadline comes.
相比之下,c同学的写作句式完全没有上面复杂,但是意思清楚,合理运用连接词,文章的论证逻辑基本合理 。
综上,我们可以得出结论:雅思写作最主要的是要表达清晰,逻辑清楚,不需要过分追求长难句 。
先根据横轴分析变化,然后再进行比较 。
第一段介绍核心信息(e.g 。时间地点研究对象);一句话即可
第二三段先分析第一个时间点,再分析后一个时间点 。
Excel in something = have advantage in something
1.图表描述:The graph shows/illustrates/displays …
2.表程度:Fell dramatically/significantly/astonishingly/considerably/steadily to approximately 100 and 200 respectively; noticeable decrease
Slightly/marginally more women than men …
3.表上升:The graph showed an upward trend/ something soars to…;雅思写作词汇 Increase/ rise/ grow/ go up/ improve/ climb/ boom/ leap
4.表下降:decrease/fall/drop/dip/go down/decline/reduce
Exceed/overtake/outnumber – e.g. Men with postgraduate diplomas clearly outnumbered their female counterparts 。
5.数值相同:Coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas
数值不方便时可用括号表述 。
6.讨论类:An intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to …
Can be a vehicle (=solution/way/method etc 。) for reinvigorating (振兴) …
From a pragmatic point …
Foresee certain cases of exemptions
Make = yield (产出成果、效果、收益etc 。)
7.提出自己观点:While I admit that…/I am convinced that…
8.其他:Beyond our wildest expectations
Inevitable = inescapable
Underground railway systems = subway networks
Genetic factors & environment / nature & nurture
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