八卦的英文课文 太极八卦的英文

A: What do you think of gossip?B: I'd like to hear them, but I don't takethem serious.A:你对八卦怎么看?B:我倒是可以听听看 , 但是从不当真 。
A: Mary said you had broken up with yourboyfriend.B: Oh, really? I don't even know that.A:玛丽说你和你的男朋友分手了 。B:哦 , 真的吗?我自己都不知道 。
A: Hi, I have something to tell you about your ex-girlfriend.B: Sorry, I'm not interested in other people's life.A: , 我想告诉你一些你前女友的消息 。B:不好意思 , 我对别人的生活并不感兴趣 。

八卦的英文课文 太极八卦的英文


A: Time's up, we should stop gossipingand go back to work.B: OK, we will discuss it next time.A:时间到了 , 我们别再八卦别人了 , B:好吧 , 我们下次再聊 , 赶紧工作吧 。
A: A little bird whispered to me that our boss quarreled with his wifeyesterday.B: Buddy, remember, don't be a rumor monger.A:某人偷偷地告诉我咱们老板昨天和他妻子吵架了 。B:老兄 , 记住 , 别做一个爱传闲话的人 。
A: It seems that you don't like your new colleague?B: She is nice, but she is also a terrible gossip.A:看起来你好像不太喜欢你的新同事?B:她人挺好的 , 就是太爱传闲话了 。
A: Are you interested in gossip news?B: Yes, when I surf on the internet, I always look for some celebrities gossips.A:你对八卦新闻感兴趣吗?B:感兴趣 , 我上网时经常会看一些名人的八卦 。
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