托福tpo口语题目汇总 托福口语tpo26task3

现在,TPO托福模考软件相信是人们备考托福时最常用的工具,对托福成绩的提高很有帮助 。托福听力可以说是整个托福考试的重要组成部分 。如何利用现有的TPO模考软件提高托福成绩?以下是边肖为您整理的关于托福口语tpo2 task1的题目 。希望对你有帮助 。

托福tpo口语题目汇总 托福口语tpo26task3


托福口语tpo2 task1题目:
Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation.
托福口语tpo2 task1满分范文:
I often go to the basketball court near my apartment. It’s very important to me because I play basketball there everyday and basketball is my favorite sport. Ever since I was a little boy, I have been playing in that court with my friends. When in junior high, I practiced shooting and dribbling in that court nearly everyday till late at night. Besides, the court is the reminder of an awful lot of my valuable memories. I still can remember that how I started out shooting badly and then after several weeks’ practice, I could shoot well and dribbled well. I can also remember many friends with whom I played basketball and form teams. Without that court, I couldn’t possibly make so many friends. So it’s very important to me.
新托福在取代之前的旧托福考试之后,机考口语一直是很多同学感到陌生和不适应的地方 。
新托福口语考试需要考生基于个人经历、校园环境和学术性材料提出的各种问题用英语表述并回答,一共6道题 。前两道题是独立口语任务,考生需要依据自己的观念、简介或经历来回答问题 。相对后面的题,回答起来比较自由、简单 。另外四道题是综合口语任务 。综合任务是因为它听说兼顾,或者听、读和说结合 。考生需要听一段对话或节选的讲座片段,或读一篇文章然后听一个简短的讨论或讲座的节选,最后答题 。
新托福口语考试具有一定的难度 。比如,前两道独立口语任务是以一问一答的形式展开,考生在了解问题后只有十五秒的准备时间,然后用四十五秒钟将回答通过麦克风录入电脑头脑中 。如果对考试内容很陌生,考生一定会很乱,不知道该从何说起,可能会东一句,西一句的,毫无条理性 。建议考生把自己的思路、想法落实到书面上,用笔记来帮助整理你的思路 。平时练习的时候也可以将自己的回答像写作文一样,一字一句的把写下来、修改语病 。然后大声读熟,再重新回答问题 。这样把一套题目练熟之后,再进行下一套题目的练习 。另外,独立口语任务也可以拿作文题目当口语练 。

托福tpo口语题目汇总 托福口语tpo26task3


综合口语任务的难点在于理解、记录听力内容,并用自己的话做口语复述 。可以先锻炼自己听抄、听记的能力 。然后练习将记录的信息用口语自然的表述 。每道题按此方法反复练习几遍,必会提高听力和口语表达能力 。平时练习是要注重日常、校园生活场景以及学术场景 。考生可以就现有的托福口语教材为依据,直接对口语题目中的文稿做出总结归纳、口语复述 。
机考口语的评分是人评分,内容的逻辑展开和具体细节的表述最重要,其次是流利,发音能明白就可以,因为托福考的是母语非英语的人的英语水平 。美国人评分是比较公平公正公道的,他们会根据全球母语非英语的平均水平确定的 。要练就好的发音,平时可以多看美国电影,听多了,也就对外国人的发音和表达以及表达逻辑更为敏感 。这种潜移默化的影响对学生的听力、口语、甚至是写作都有积极的帮助 。
Your foreign friend is considering coming to your country to visit, but he/she doesn’t know how to plan the trip. What suggestions of transportation do you give him/her?
这道题首先从答题结构上已经很明显了,让我们做一个推荐,通常采用的结构就是先总说推荐是什么,然后分两个论点去说一下这个推荐的两个好处分别是什么就可以了 。这道题明显就可以推荐take the subway 。第一个分论点说便捷快速,best way to travel far within a short period, no traffic jams. 第二个论点段就说比较environment-friendly, 因为是采用electricity进行驱动,不emit air pollutants,为保护环境make contribution.
你朋友来你们国家旅游,你觉得什么方式travel around最好 。我回答的是高铁 。原因一,购票方便,可以在网上购买,可以带你去任何地方 。原因二,速度快,去一些地方坐飞机很久;但是高铁速度很快 。
From my perspective of view, I would definitely recommend taking the subway as a transportation. There are a couple of reasons to name.
To begin with, taking the subway is the best choice to travel far within a short period. Taking the bus and driving a car also seem quite fast, but you will wait in line and travel even as slowly as a tortoise if rush hours come. However, rush hours cannot stop the subway.
Moreover, taking the subway is an environment-friendly method. All the trains are driven by electricity so that no air pollutants will be emitted. Thus this will help the visitors make more contribution to protecting the environment here.
For the above reasons, I would suggest taking the subway.
【托福tpo口语题目汇总 托福口语tpo26task3】He should take the subway. It is the most efficient. Especially in big cities, where traffic jam is a big headache, subway can carry people around fast and efficiently without being affected by the weather or traffic above the ground. It goes anywhere you want in the city. The subway network is very extensive. It covers almost everywhere in the urban and suburban areas. As long as you pick the right line and transfer at the right hub, you can go anywhere you want. The ticket is very cheap. It takes only 5 yuan to get to the other side of the city.