写友谊的英语作文高中 英语翻译关于友谊的英语作文 带翻译

友谊就像一首歌,在你孤独的时候让你感到无聊,友谊就像风,在你困难的时候帮助你 。也有英文的关于友谊的散文 。你想知道如何写友谊英语短文吗?这里有一些边肖收集的写友情英语作文带翻译 。让我们来看看!
In our daily life, if we get on harmoniously with our friends, we’ll feel more joyous. But we’ll feel lonely without friends.When our friends feel upset or get ill, we shouldn’t ignore them or look down upon them. On the contrary, we ought to calm them down, show our love and concern to them and try our best to help them overcome the hardships. Sometimes we may have some misunderstandings or disagreements with our friends, thus we had better have a discussion with them and try to accept their good ideas instead of quarreling with them. As long as we can follow these good suggestions, we’ll find it easy to make more friends 。
在日常生活中,如果我们跟朋友相处融洽,我们的心情也会更加愉悦 。然而若是没有朋友则会觉得孤单 。当我们的朋友忧伤或是生病时,我们不应冷落或轻起他们,相反地,我们要帮他们平抚心情,尽自己最大的努力关心他,帮助他渡过难关 。有时候我们会与朋友产生误会,发生分歧,这时我们最好是跟朋友好好谈谈而不要争吵,尽量理解他的好的想法 。只要我们遵循这些建议,我们会发现想要结交更多的朋友很简单 。

写友谊的英语作文高中 英语翻译关于友谊的英语作文 带翻译


Friendship is an umbrella of two figure, is a table on the two pairs of eyes; Friendship is like a curved warm harbor, quietly to soothe tired sailing; Friendship is crossing the sea, see each other eyes of tacit understanding, is unexpected.
Since have the friendship, I no longer lonely, lonely. We are always side by side, hand in hand, walking along the street at dusk, running in the romance in the rain. We are always on the same table, focused on learning. Sometimes silence, their respective; From time to time to discuss with each other, "quarrel". We will always be on a park bench, or talk to each other in the heart trouble and sorrow, be considerate comfort; Or will be happy to tell each other, and then laugh.
Since I no longer have the friendship, weak. When the fall in the road of life, and his heart was dominated by "give up" this idea completely. However, at this time, my friend will pick up, remind me to be strong, long life, is no thorns, if be tripped, has languished, choose to give up, how can feel the successful happiness? These words, made me hopeful again. From then on, whenever you fall, I will stand up, will it as a test of fate, believe not far from success.
Since have the friendship, I have found the "intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended" feeling. For the same question, we often have the same opinion. We worship the same star, like the same color, love the same kind of writing style… Also, we are also cherish the friendship.
Friendship let us have a happy, confident, brave, insist!
【写友谊的英语作文高中 英语翻译关于友谊的英语作文 带翻译】友谊是一把伞下的两个身影,是一张桌子上的两对明眸;友谊似一弯温暖的海港,静静地抚慰着疲惫的帆船;友谊是穿越人海,互视对方双眼的默契,是不期而遇的缘 。
自从拥有了友谊,我不再孤单、寂寞 。我们总是肩并肩,手牵手,漫步于黄昏的街头,奔跑于浪漫的雨中 。我们总是在同一张桌子上,专注地学习 。时而沉默不语,各忙各的;时而互相探讨,“争吵”激烈 。我们总会在公园的长椅上,或向对方倾诉心中的烦恼与忧愁,得到体贴的宽慰;或将快乐的事告诉对方,然后一起开怀大笑 。
自从拥有了友谊,我不再软弱 。当在人生之路跌倒时,心中被“放弃”这个意念完全占据 。可是,这时,朋友将我扶起,提醒我要坚强,漫漫人生路,岂能无荆棘,若被拌倒,就一蹶不振,选择放弃,又怎能体味到成功的快乐呢?这些话,令我又充满希望 。从此,每当跌倒,我都会自己站起来,将这当作命运的考验,相信成功不远 。
自从拥有了友谊,我找到了“心有灵犀一点通”的感觉 。对于同一个问题,我们时常会有相同的见解 。我们崇拜同一个明星,喜欢同一种颜色,热爱同一种写作风格……还有,我们都同样珍惜着这份友谊 。
One's life without friendship, however, and there are a few people to have a sincere friendship?
"All good things must come to an end," there are some things, only lost, just know to cherish. Friendship is not like this? Although some people look made many friends, but how many sincere friends?
In your life, if can make some sincere friends, even one, in your difficulties, also won't feel lonely, because, have a bosom friend abiding by for you, at least, you have the confidence to overcome difficulties. Khalil gibran once said: "and you laughed together, you may forget it; but people cried with you, but you never forget." The man who can share the joys and sorrows with you is the most sincere friend.
I also have a sincere friend, and she together, I can feel warm, happy, happy. To her, I learned to understanding, tolerance.
Once we quarreled, at that time, I was very angry, I do not understand, so many years friends, why not let me, but I never thought of her feelings, only know others to patronize me, but I don't know should to understand other people. Finally, she apologized to me, after the event, I really very ashamed.
No matter what you say, a sincere friend, you will get a beautiful sky!
“天下没有不散的筵席”,有些东西,只有失去了,才知道珍惜 。友谊不就是这样吗?虽然有些人看上去交了很多朋友,可是真挚的朋友又有几个呢?
人的一生中,如果能交上几个真挚的朋友,哪怕一个,在你困难的时候,也不会感到寂寞,因为,有知音为你分忧解难,至少,你有战胜困难的信心 。纪伯伦曾经说过:“和你一同笑过的人,你可能把它忘掉;但是和你一同哭过的人,你却永远不忘 。”能和你同甘共苦的人就是最真挚的朋友 。
我也拥有真挚的朋友,和她在一起,我能感到温暖,感到幸福,感到快乐 。在她身上,我学会了理解,宽容 。
有一次,我们吵架了,那时,我非常气愤,我不懂,这麽多年朋友了,为什么不让着我,可是,我从没想过她的感受,只知道别人迁就我,却自己不知道应该理解他人 。最后,还是她向我道了歉,事后,我真的很惭愧 。
Some friendship will changes over time, time grew, friendship has changed. Time can be everything, however, after years of an old friend of yours is good or bad for you at that time maybe there will be an answer, everyone's outlook on life values will change over time, those who care about you to help your friend you won't want to lose, believe is wonderful memories will be to find you and contact your good friend.
I believe our friendship will not change over time, while time can let a person forget everything. But the real friendship in heart forever.
I agree that the time can take away everything, but never take away the a wonderful memories. Friends don't need to meet every day, but will when you need a helping hand to you. I believe our friendship will be the same, it is everywhere.
What feelings are to careful management, and eventually to run. Time is very cruel, is also a test of objective and fair. Whatever it is, not to careful management ultimately yield to the test of time. I don't think so "constant" friendship, depends on what you do. As long as we are attentive caress So I believe that love will not change.
Friendship is a kind of predestination will, is about the time can not be. Only the geopolitical do also fade as friendship. Origin and together, edge and it's as simple as that.
Friendship, never change! However, with the passage of time, the sincere friendship is getting more profound!
有的友谊会随时间的变化而变化,时间长了,友谊也变了 。不过,时间可以一切,多年后你的老朋友当时对你是好是坏也许就会有一个答案了,每个人的人生观价值观都会随着时间而改变,那些关心你帮助你的朋友你一定不会想失去的,相信美好的记忆是会成为你去寻找和联系你的好朋友的动力的 。
我相信友情是不会随时间而改变的,虽然时间能让人淡忘一切 。但是真正的友情永远留在心中 。
我同意时间可以带走一切,但永远带不走那一份美好的回忆 。朋友不需要天天见面,却会在你需要的时候向你伸出援助之手 。我相信友情会不变,它是无处不在的 。
最终还是要细心经营,什么感情都是要经营的 。时间是很残酷,也是很客观公正的考验 。不管是什么,不去用心经营最终都经不住时间的考验 。所以我认为没有“不变”的友情,要看你怎么做了 。只要我们都细心呵护 那么我相信有情不会变。
友谊是一种缘分的凝合,是不被时间所能左右的 。只有缘尽了友谊也就随之淡忘了 。缘起而聚,缘尽而散就这么简单 。
Friendship is one of the greatest pleasure that people can enjoy.It is very difficult tofind a better definition of friendship.A truefriend does indeed find pleasurein our joy andshare sorrow in our grief.In time of trial,he orshe is always at our side to give us his or her help and Knowing how valuable friendshiis,weshould be very careful in our choice of friend.We must choose someone who has a good character,whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart.We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities ormisfortune.
A true friend can always be trusted,loved and respected.If you tell a friend your secrets,he or she won’t tell anyone else.Friends share each other’s joys and sorrows.They help each other when they are in trouble,and cheer each other up when they are sad.The most important thing is that a friend always understands you.In conclusion,when you have made a good friend,don’t forget him or her .
我们一生中不能没有友谊 。它是人们最大的快乐之一 。很难给友谊找到一个更好的定义 。一个真正的朋友会与我们分享快乐与悲伤 。在考验人的时刻,他或她总会站在我们一边,帮助我们,安慰我们 。
知道了友谊的珍贵,在择友时我们就应非常谨慎 。然而,选择朋友并不容易.我们一定要选择那些性格好、行为好、心地好的人.应避免选择那些遇到逆境或不幸就很容易改变的人 。
一个真正的朋友总是让人信任、喜爱和尊敬的 。如果你把自己的秘密告诉了朋友,他不会告诉别人 。朋友之间会分享快乐和悲伤 。当他们遇到困难时,会互相帮助;当他们悲伤时,会互相鼓励 。最重要的是,朋友总是能理解你 。最后说一句,当你交到好友时,不要轻易忘记他或她 。