描写花园的英语作文(共8篇 我最喜欢的花园英语作文)

花园是指种植花草树木供娱乐和休息的地方 。现在的花园多用来指开放式的公园或者别墅的私家花园 。英语中也有关于花园的作文 。你想知道描写花园的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于园林的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Now you're ready to visit the garden of your mind. Check that your head is in line with your spine. Let your feet just fall slightly apart. Your arms can rest limply at your side. Turn your hands so the palms are slightly facing upwards, the sides of your hands on the floor.
Close your eyes now, and just listen to our voices. And if you listen to our voices, you will find a wonderful relaxing thing happen to you. You'll find the muscles in your body right down your spine are completely relaxing. Be aware of your breathing. Don't force or strain the breath. Just be aware of the slow, deep breath that go right down to the bottom of the stomach as you inhale. Be conscious of your stomach rising very gently as you inhale.
When you exhale, feel yourself letting go completely, and sinking down heavily to the floor. Feel yourself sinking down deeper and deeper…down deeper into the floor.
You are calm, your whole body is relaxing, relaxing more with each gentle breath you breathe. Leave your eyes closed, your eyelids are beginning to feel heavy and relaxed. They feel comfortably heavy. So relaxed you don't want to open them again.
You are now feeling peaceful and calm and tranquil as you slowly breathe in and out, in and out. Your whole body is feeling heavy and relaxed. All tension is being dissolved away from the muscles down the back of your neck, right down your spine…all of your chest…Relaxing…And tension is just dissolving away. Your entire body is calm and relaxed.
Your arms and hands are feeling heavy and limp at your sides. Your legs right down to your feet begin to feel heavy, calm and relaxed.
Your legs and feet feel heavy and limp. Your whole body is sinking down deeper and deeper. Your whole body feels warm and relaxed as you sink down deeper. Letting go. Letting go more and more. Letting go and listening to nature's sounds.

描写花园的英语作文(共8篇 我最喜欢的花园英语作文)


【描写花园的英语作文(共8篇 我最喜欢的花园英语作文)】描写花园的英语作文篇二:
We have a small garden behind our house. It is beautiful all year round.
我们的房子后面有一个小花园,它一年四季都很美 。
When spring comes, the garden is all green. The ground is just like a green blanket. Birds are singing in the trees. The quiet garden becomes lively.
当春天来的时候,花园一切都是绿色的 。地面像一条绿色的毯子,鸟儿在树上唱歌,安静的花园顿时有了生机 。
In summer, all kinds of trees grow tall and strong. Golden sunflowers blossom to the sun, waving in the wind. Some other flowers are as red as fire, giving sweet smell and inviting many bees dancing around them.
在夏天,各种各样的树长得又高又壮 。金黄色的向日葵对着太阳,在风中挥舞 。其他的一些花红得像火,引来了许多蜜蜂在花丛中翩翩起舞 。
When it is autumn, apples, pears and other fruits come out from the leaves, just like bells hanging in the trees. On the ground, you can see oranges, big pumpkins here and there.
当秋天来的时候,苹果、梨和其他一些果子从叶子间探出头来,像风铃一样垂悬在树上 。在地面上,你到处能看到橘子和大南瓜 。
After a snow in winter, the trees in the garden are covered with snow. The ground is all white with only some green leaves of vegetable sticking out from beneath.
在冬季一场雪过后,花园里的树木被雪覆盖着,地面上一片银白,惟有一些蔬菜叶子微微露出一点绿色 。
What a beautiful garden!
The garden
Today is Sunday,it's sunny.
This is a beautiful garden .Some children are playing in the garden.They are very happy.You can see some trees ,some beautiful flowers and some birds.There are some boys and girls.They are playing games and theyare very happy!
今天是星期天,晴天 。
这个美丽花园有很多孩子在花园里玩 。他们很高兴 。你能看到很多的树,很多美丽的花儿,很多鸟儿 。这有很多的男孩和女孩,他们玩着游戏并且玩的很高兴 。
When I watch TV series, there is always a beautiful garden in the every American house, the family grows some flowers in the garden, they also play in the garden, too. I like garden so much, we can have a good time with parents there, planting some plants. But in China, there is less room for the house to own a garden, it is possible to have one when they live in village.
当我看电视剧的时候,在每个美国家庭都有一个漂亮的花园,家人会在花园里种一些花,他们也在花园里玩耍 。我很喜欢花园,我们可以和父母欢度美好的时光,种一些植物 。但是在中国,房子很少有空间建立一个花园,当人们生活在乡村就有可能拥有一个花园 。