

要怎么掩饰自己身上的落寞呢?以下是学习啦小编为你精心整理的落寞感情英语语录,希望你喜欢 。
People made a decision, always doubt another decision will be better, but, who knows?
回首往事,日子里竟全是斑澜的光影,记忆的屏障,曾经心动的声音已渐渐远去 。
Looking back, the days are all rings of light and shadow, unexpectedly memory barrier, once enchanted voice has faded away.
Feeling already owe, love already downtime, fate is not in service area; No answer, want to also is busy, feelings can't charge!
快乐与忧伤,一切都已成为过去,依然能感受到的那份真实与感动、虚伪与悲伤 。
Joy and sorrow, everything has become the past, still can feel the true and moving, hypocritical and sad.
看着你的头像是彩色的,总期待着我这里出现你头像的抖动,但是只是期待而已 。
Look at your avatar is a color, always a shaking of the head is looking forward to you appear here, but just looking forward to.
分手后的思念,注定就是犯贱 。
After break up thoughts, destined to finance.
鸟儿美在羽毛,人们美在勤劳 。
Birds beauty in feathers, people in the industry.
你们相爱,我和悲伤共生共存 。
You love each other, I and sadness symbiosis.
青春还未开始,苍老早已来临 。
The youth has yet to start, old already.
落寞感情英语语录最新寂寞只是一场华丽的虚张声势 。
Loneliness is a gorgeous bluff.
学最好的别人,做最好的自己 。
Learn the best and be the best you can be.
我想我爱上了一种青春的疼痛 。
I think I fell in love with a youth of the pain.
If I said I'm sorry, would you forgive me?
谢谢你的绝情,让我学会了死心 。
Thank you for your rude, let I learned to be dead.
结局已经写好,我们拿什么改变 。
The outcome is already written, we take what to change.
幸福不是终点,而是旅程的途中 。
【落寞感情英语语录精选】Happiness is not an end, but a journey on the way.
用沉默,掩饰心里还爱你的事实 。
In silence, hide in the mind still love you.
我还是依旧删了进你空间的记录 。
I am still delete the record into your space.
别勉强在一起,我可以爱你也可以忘记你 。
Don't force together, I can love you can forget you.
继续做一个单身贵族,继续我高傲的青春 。
Continue to do a lone noble, continue my pride of youth.
是你不能坚持了,还是我的任性推开了你 。
Is it you can't insist on, or my wayward away you.
时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己 。
Time not only let you see through others, also let you know yourself.
Where are the more familiar with you, the more know tong will let you pain!
一切我都看在眼里,不过是没说出口罢了 。
All I see in the eye, but that's just didn't say.
我想变的强大,尽管去践踏最脆弱的生命 。
I want to be strong, although to trample on the most fragile life.
陪了你这么多年,你还是不知道因为我爱你 。
With you for so many years, you still don't know because I love you.
失去你后我宁愿被你误会,也不愿向你解释 。
After losing you, I would rather be misunderstanding, you don't want to explain to you.