离职 英语怎么说 辞职英语怎么说

比上班更重要的是离开 。离开和留下需要技巧、策略和头脑 。英语口语中离职怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

离职 英语怎么说 辞职英语怎么说


be suspended from office
leave office
Rogers was slated to go in the summer, tentatively to be replaced by Kenneth Rush
罗杰斯定于明年夏季离职,暂定由肯尼思?拉什替换他 。
Absence without leave ; ditching;play hooky
For example, it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time
比方说,即使你才任职不久就离职,这也不算是件不体面的事 。
Though she'd lost her job,she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly.
He's the outgoing ambassador.
他就是即将离职的大使 。
Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.
很不幸地,本人不得不离职,因这一次世界性的经济不景气,使我的雇主不得不结束业务 。
You must not leave your post without permission.
你不应该擅离职守 。
Colin left his job in May.
柯林五月份离职了 。
We'll visit the outgoing chairperson.
【离职 英语怎么说 辞职英语怎么说】我们将采访即将离职的主席 。
pop off the hooks
drag it
drop off the hooks
约翰不愿离职 。他记得找这个工作他付出了多大代价 。
John would not quit. He remembered what it had cost him to get a job.
她失去了工作,却说是自愿离职以保全面子 。
Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly.
她是一家大公司即将离职的负责人 。
She is the outgoing head of a large corporation.
我曾经因为压力因素而考虑过离职 。
I have considered leaving my job due to stress related factors.
这个监狱的看守昨晚擅离职守被发现了 。
The prison guard was found to have deserted from the post last night.
工作时间不得擅离职守或早退 。
Working hours shall not be absent from duty or leave early.
汤姆诱使他的几个朋友擅离职守 。
Tom enticed some of his friends away from their work.
他们以损毁他名声的办法迫使他离职 。
They have him hounded out by a conspiracy to damage his good name.
一个斟酒服务员要离职了,老板给了他顶替上去的机会 。
voluntary withdrawal; quit
In case our recommended candidate resigns or is fired due to unsatisfactory performance after three months , a replacement candidate will be recommended at no extra charge . the customer should provide an official written employee dismissal notice
由我公司推荐的已被客户录用的候选人在3个月内自动离职或因工作表现不合格而被解职,将不在加收额外的推荐服务费并推荐替代人选 。
Unlike the other ladyboys hoping to find men to protect them , suay just buried the friendship from cheuk in her heart . occasionally some visitors known cheuk before came in the pub , suay was hardly known that cheuk was mistakenly killed his team member in a duty , he was blamed and left the job , he ever talked with his police father for several years just because of this event . . . . as usual daily life , cheuk and suay were preparing opening of a new pub , cheuk told suay he wanted to terminate the job

离职 英语怎么说 辞职英语怎么说


I have to send in my paper.
= I have to resign.
我不得不辞职 。
I want to quit.
我想辞职 。
I quit.
我不干了 。
quit v. 辞职
send in one's paper“递交辞呈”
I have to turn in my resignation two weeks before my last day.
我必须提前两周递交辞职书 。
resignation n. 辞职书,辞呈
tum in“上交”
After much cogitation, I have decided to resign.
= After much consideration, I decide to resign.
我经过再三考虑决定辞职 。
cogitation n. 仔细思考,深思
consideration n. 考虑
After two years without promotion, I want to resign
两年未获提升,我想辞职 。
I have to resign if the salary is not raised.
如果再不加薪的话,我不得不辞职 。
I want to leave because I have no vacation for two years.
我想辞职是因为我已经两年没有假期了 。
promotion n. 提升,晋级
vacation n. 假期
My new job offers me a higher salary.
=I'm offered a new job with higher pay.
新工作给的薪水更高 。
My new job offers me opportunities to move up.
= My new job offers me opportunities to get promoted.
我的新工作拥有升职的机会 。
The new job is in my field.
新工作和我的专业对口 。
promote v. 晋升,升职
field n.领域
move up“升职,晋升”
I no longer feel attached to this place.
我不再留恋这个地方了 。
attach v. 使喜爱,使依恋
no longer“不再”
be attached to“热爱,依恋”
I want to be in a different environment.
我想换个环境 。
I don't want to be stuck in a rut.
我不想一成不变 。
This place doesn't suit me.
这个地方不适合我 。
stick v. 把…钉住,固定住(过去式及过去分词均为stuck)
rut n. 老规矩,惯例,老一套
suit v. 适合
Do I have to compensate for breaking the contract?
How much should I pay for breaching the agreement7
compensate v. 补偿
contract n. 合同
breach v. (对法律等的)破坏,违反
agreement n. 协议,合同