一篇关于邻里关系的英语作文 以邻里关系为话题作文英文

邻居,北京人习惯称之为“街坊” 。邻里关系是传统关系中的一种亲密关系 。俗话说,远亲不如近邻 。虽然农村经济不如城市,但在心理层面上,农村居民对社会生活的满意度总体水平高于城市居民 。提高满意度的重要促成因素之一是社区人的和谐 。这种相对和谐的人际关系,在一定程度上缓解了有限条件下农村资源的调节需求 。传统上,美国人大多住别墅,邻居就是住在你隔壁房子里的朋友 。邻里关系非常融洽 。那么,反映邻里关系的英文作文是如何描述的呢?

一篇关于邻里关系的英语作文 以邻里关系为话题作文英文


What is neighborhood relationship
A neighborhood or neighborhood (see spelling differences) is a geographically localized community within a larger city, town or suburb. Neighborhoods are often social communities with considerable face-to-face interaction among members. “Researchers have not agreed on an exact definition. Neighborhood is generally defined spatially as a specific geographic area and functionally as a set of social networks. Neighborhoods, then, are the spatial units in which face-to-face social interactions occur―the personal settings and situations where residents seek to realize common values, socialize youth, and maintain effective social control.”
Neighborhoods have several advantages as areas for policy analysis as well as an arena for social action:
(1) Neighborhoods are common, and perhaps close to universal, since most people in urbanised areas would probably consider themselves to be living in one.
(2) Neighborhoods are convenient, and always accessible, since you are already in your neighborhood when you walk out your door.
(3) Successful neighborhood action frequently requires little specialized technical skill, and often little or no money. Action may call for an investment of time, but material costs are often low.
(4) With neighborhood action, compared to activity on larger scales, results are more likely to be visible and quickly forthcoming. The streets are cleaner; the crosswalk is painted; the trees are planted; the festival draws a crowd.
(5) Visible and swift results are indicators of success; and since success is reinforcing, the probability of subsequent neighborhood action is increased.
(6) Because neighborhood action usually involves others, such actions create or strengthen connections and relationships with other neighbors, leading in turn to a variety of potentially positive effects, often hard to predict.
(7) Over and above these community advantages, neighborhood activity may simply be enjoyable and fun for those taking part.
【一篇关于邻里关系的英语作文 以邻里关系为话题作文英文】But in addition to these benefits, considerable research indicates that strong and cohesive neighborhoods and communities are linked -quite possibly causally linked―to decreases in crime, better outcomes for children, and improved physical and mental health. The social support that a strong neighborhood may provide can serve as a buffer against various forms of adversity.
作为邻居(neighborhood),低头不见抬头见,要处理好双方的关系 。要做一个受人欢迎的好邻居,应做到以下几点:一是爱心(love)最重要,要有乐于助人的热心(warm-hearted) 。二是要尊重邻居,在有可能影响邻居正常生活(normal life)时,要设身处地为邻居着想 。三是平常心(normality)也是一个重要因素 。社会地位高、生活富裕的人,不要目中无人,而弱势群体(vulnerable group/disadvantaged group),也不必自惭形秽 。还有,串门(drop around)也要适可而止,要适时告辞;邻居紧闭大门时,没有十分必要不要轻易敲门;不管邻里关系多么融洽,也不要介入邻居的私生活(private life);在邻居真正需要的时候,及时帮把手,但要懂得及时退出 。