关于北极熊灭绝的英语作文 北极熊濒临灭绝的英语作文

熊是熊科食肉目动物的总称 。熊平时性情温和,但受到挑衅或遇到危险时,容易暴怒,激烈搏斗 。在英语中,还有一篇关于濒临灭绝的熊的短文 。你想知道写熊濒临灭绝的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于濒临灭绝的熊的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
【关于北极熊灭绝的英语作文 北极熊濒临灭绝的英语作文】写熊濒临灭绝的英语作文篇一:
Recently our efforts to protect wild animals was questioned by the public because the news is keep reporting that more and more wild animals was killed by human beings especially the very precious one. Innocent animals was dead for their meat fur and tooth it was just used to fill up human beings' desire. In my point of view the wild animals were protected effectively still has a long way to go.
最近,我们保护野生动物的努力被公众质疑着,因为总有新闻报道说野生动物被人类杀害,特别是珍惜野生动物 。无辜的动物为它们身上的肉,皮毛,牙齿而亡,而这只是用来满足人类的欲望而已 。在我看来,要有效地保护野生动物,还任重道远 。
Firstly people should try harder to make a better place for animals. The land where the wild animals live was deprived by human being. For hundreds years people cut the trees to make land for their living and farming wild animals' homeland was took they have no choice but run away. What is more human beings break the food link in nature; wild animals can not find enough food to keep alive. There is no doubt that the destruction of nature has become a big problem to kill wild animal for instance a polar bear was starved to death because of the greenhouse effect the ice was melt away the seadog and fish that polar bear like to eat are far away from them. For those reasons people should protect the environment first if they want to protect wild animals effectively.
第一,人们应当更努力地为动物创造一个更好的环境 。野生动物以前住的地方被人类剥夺去了 。几百年来,人们砍伐树木,为他们住的地方和种植土地腾出地方 。野生动物的家园被占领了,它们除了逃跑别无他择 。再者,人们破坏了大自然的食物链,野生动物找不到充足的食物生存下去 。毫无疑问,自然环境的破坏成为害死野生动物的大问题 。例如,北极熊因为温室效应而饿死,冰融化了,北极熊爱吃的海狗和鱼离它们更远了 。因为这些原因,人们要有效保护野生动物得先从保护大自然开始 。
Second no buying no killing. Some rich people like to wear fur coat they treat it as a status symbol especially for rich woman they think animal fur is beautiful and warm they will never consider that the fur they wear for years is the skin that animal wear for their whole life and they knew how bloody when people took the fur from animal but they choose to ignore it. If people do not buy the fur and tooth lots of wild animals will be survived.
第二,没有买卖就没有杀害 。一些有钱人喜欢穿毛皮大衣,他们把这当做身份地位的象征 。特别是有钱的女人,她们认为动物皮毛很漂亮很暖和 。她们从不会考虑她们穿几年的毛皮大衣是动物穿一生的,她们也知道剥取皮毛有多血腥,但她们选择无视 。如果人们不买皮毛和牙齿,许多野生动物将得以幸存 。
In sum wild animals are our friends we should give back and protect their homeland and stop buying their body part or our future generations will see them in zoo and museum.
总之,野生动物是我们的朋友,我们应当归还和保护它们的家园,还有不要买它们的身体,不然我们的后代只能在动物园和博物馆看到它们 。

关于北极熊灭绝的英语作文 北极熊濒临灭绝的英语作文


A polar bear carcass found on the Arctic island of Svalbard the northernmost part of Norway has shocked experts who say climate change may be to blame for the animal's death.
在挪威最北端北极圈Svalbard群岛,人们发现了一只北极熊的尸体,研究人员认为它的死因是气候变化所造成的 。
The starved polar bear in Norway was said to be in good health in April when the Norwegian Polar Institute examined and tagged it. However the animal was reduced to skin and bones by the time a group of explorers happened upon its body in July.
四月份挪威极地研究所在帮它检查做标记时,这只北极熊的健康状况还很不错 。但是,当一队探险者7月偶然发现它时,早已瘦成了皮包骨 。
"From his lying position in death the bear appears to simply have starved and died where he dropped" polar bear expert Dr. Ian Stirling an adjunct professor at the University of Alberta told The Guardian. "He had no external suggestion of any remaining fat having been reduced to little more than skin and bone."
“从它的卧姿来看,这只北极熊饿得倒了下来,最后死在了这里 。”阿尔伯塔大学的兼职教授,同时也是北极熊专家的伊恩·斯特林博士告诉《卫报》采访人员,“外部迹象显示它的身体已没有任何脂肪,只剩下一具皮包骨 。”
Stirling believes the bear starved to death as a result of a lack of sea ice which the animals use as a platform for hunting seals. That may also explain why the 16-year-old male bear was found about 155 miles north of where it was seen in April.
斯特林博士坚信这只熊饿死是由于海冰的融化造成的,北极熊靠这些海冰来捕食海豹 。这也解释了为什么这只16岁的雄性北极熊死在了离4月的所在地155英里的地方 。
Arctic sea ice reached a record low in 2012 according a report released this week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that pointed to continued signs of climate change.
2012年,北极的海冰达到了历史最低,根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局这周发布的报告显示,气候变化还将继续 。
The International union for Conservation of Nature currently classifies polar bears as vulnerable on its Red List of Threatened Species.
Unlike Black and Grizzly bears which are primarily nocturnal the Polar Bear may be active at any time of the day or year searching for prey on long summer days and sometimes on long winter nights. Adaptations to its Arctic habitat include its fur color which blends with the snowy environment and so provides useful camouflage for capturing prey; its large size which helps maintain body temperature by reducing surface-heat loss; and its furred feet which insulate against cold and provide traction on icy surfaces. Because the hairs of its waterproof coat are hollow they are especially insulating and increase the bear's buoyancy when swimming. An excellent swimmer it paddles at about 6 1/2 mph (10 km/h) with the front feet only hindfeet trailing-a trait unique among four-footed land animals-and can remain submerged for about two minutes. While swimming or treading water it stretches its long neck for a better view as it does on land. Owing to the scarcity of plants in its icy habitat the Polar Bear is the most carnivorous North American bear with canine teeth larger and molariform teeth sharper than those of other bears. An acute sense of smell enables the Polar Bear to locate prey even when it is hidden by snow drifts or ice. It stalks young seals and Walruses and sometimes adult seals often by swimming underwater to their ice floes. While hair seals are its staple it also feeds on fish birds bird eggs small mammals dead animals (including whales) shellfish crabs starfish and mushrooms grasses berries and algae when available. The Polar Bear hollows out a winter den in a protected snowbank where it retires in a lethargic condition. Females den from November to March during which time they give birth.
How Polar Bears Keep Their Cool on this moment of scene
If you found youself instantly transported to the freezing Arctic , your first concern would be keeping warm. But one of the animals that make their homes on this vast fields of ice and snow , do polar bear need to warry about freezing to death ? Actually a polar bear's biggest problem is keeping cool, not keeping warm. Thanks to its thick coat of fur, it tough hide and four insul layer of blood , a polar bear is extremely well insulated.
如果你在北极,可能第一个想到的问题就是如何保暖 。但是作为这篇广袤冰封之地的居住者,北极熊需要保暖吗?实际上北极熊最大的问题是保持凉爽,而不是保持温暖 。得益于它厚厚的皮毛和血管中的隔热层,北极熊的隔热条件极佳 。
Indeed , for resting polar bear is photographed with infrared film , a kind of film which can measure the amount of heat escaping from a body . The polar bear won't show up at all, that doesn't mean polar bears are as cold as the surrounding ice. Their normal body temperature is about the same as ours. It simply means that polar bears retain their body very well. In fact , a polar bear can rest in a pit of icy snow at temperatures as low as minus 34 degrees F, without needing to burn any extra fat for warm. While the sensulation is great for keeping warm , they can lead to some serious overheating. As a result , polar bears don't like to run after their purchasing,a seal that only four and half miles an hour.
事实上,红外线拍摄的镜头显示北极熊丝毫没有释放热量的痕迹,这绝不意味着他们和周围的环境一样冰冷,实际上他和我们人类的体温一样 。这一点很能说明北极熊保持身体热量的能力 。而且北极熊可以躺在低温达到零下34华氏度的雪地里而不需要燃烧任何脂肪维持体温 。正因为如此,它的隔热组织功能也可能引起严重的高温伤害 。这大概就是北极熊连时速4.5公里的海豹都懒得追赶的原因 。
A polar bear's temperature climbs to a fever's hundred degrees. It might have the laying back with it's feed in the air to cool down. Polar bears prefer to hunt by waitting in a hole in the ice, and letting diner come to them. It's the best way to conserve energe and keep cool in the Arctic North.
北极熊的体温可以高达上百华氏度,比高烧严重的得多 。所以它们通过四只脚掌朝上散热 。它们选择在冰洞中蹲守猎物,等猎物们自动送上门来 。这不失为一举两得的好办法 。