北京英语介绍作文七十词 介绍北京的英语作文带翻译80词

北京是首批国家历史文化名城之一,也是世界上拥有世界文化遗产最多的城市 。三千多年的历史孕育了故宫、天坛、八达岭长城、颐和园等众多名胜古迹 。你想知道如何写一篇关于北京的英语作文吗?这是边肖收藏的描写北京的英语作文70词 。让我们来看看!
【北京英语介绍作文七十词 介绍北京的英语作文带翻译80词】Warmly welcome all of you to visit to China. I hear that you are a Canadian high school students delegation who come to China to exchange learning. I sincerely hope you can have fun in China.
热烈欢迎大家到中国来参观 。我听说你们是来中国进行交换学习的加拿大高中学生代表团 。我真诚希望你们在中国玩的开心 。
It's a great pity that you only stay for two days in Beijing that you cannot enjoy every tourist attractions. But you can still visit the attractions of the most representative. Firstly, I suggest you going to the Great Wall, which is the longest wall and one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by hands only, which seems unimaginable. On the second day, you can visit to the Imperial Palace where you can learn more about Chinese history. It was built in 1406 and there were 24 emperors living in there. And then you can go to Summer Palace or Beihai Park.
遗憾的是你们只在北京呆两天,不能欣赏每一个旅游景点 。但是你们仍然可以最具有代表性的景点 。首先,我建议你们到长城,它是最长的城墙,也是世界八大奇迹之一。它是人工建成的,这似乎无法想象 。第二天,你们可以参观故宫,在那里你们可以学习更多关于中国的历史 。它是1406年建的,曾有24位皇帝住在那里 。接着你可以去颐和园或者北海公园 。
Beijing is a modern city as well as a historic city where there are many places worth visiting. Given the chance, welcome to travel to Beijing in the future.
北京是一座现代城市,也是一座历史古城,有很多地方值得参观 。如果有机会,欢迎以后来北京旅游 。

北京英语介绍作文七十词 介绍北京的英语作文带翻译80词


I was born in Beijing, since I was young, I lived in Beijing, so, my hometown is Beijing. Beijing is the capital of our great motherland, it is a beautiful city. I love my hometown, I love the motherland – the capital of Beijing.
Beijing is a northern city, four seasons.
Recovery of all things spring, the ice and snow melt, willow green, the flowers are red, the cheerful birds "chirp" but report to the people around the spring's footsteps coming towards us. She fell asleep for a winter willow woke up. "Rumble" thunderbolt, with willow said, "little willow ah, wake up!" "N oise" a bath shower to willow, wash, wash, and the branches of the willow green, soft. Ah! What a beautiful spring!
I like spring in Beijing very much, but I don't like in Beijing in the summer. Because Beijing summer is very hot. Although in the summer can eat ice cream to the sweet and delicious, but I'm looking forward to hurry past summer. One of my favorite autumn in Beijing.
Beijing's autumn season, the scenery pleasant, CengLinJinRan, jade green gold, clear sky, the air crisp, the grain and make it plentiful and fruits. Look! Pear hang lanterns, apple with red cheek, MaiHai turned golden waves, sorghum, lift the burning torch. Autumn scene is beautiful, like a colorful picture!
In Beijing, autumn is the most memorable, and the winter cold is the most terrible. In winter, in addition to the white snow, and call the thorn face north. I always look forward to the terrible winter get over there! Winter has come, the beautiful spring be far behind?
Beijing is beautiful! I love Beijing, I love the capital of the motherland!
I am going to Beijing. Although I haven’t set out, I have made my travel plan. There are five days for me to travel. But I only have three days to have a good look of Beijing, because the first and the last day I have to spend on the transportation. The first day, I will start early to Guangzhou by bus and then take the plane for 1:00pm. Then I can be Beijing about 4:00pm. Then I will take the subway to my aunt’s home. After a whole night rest, I will go to climb the Great Wall the second day. The third day, I will visit Tian An Men, the Imperial Palace and the Summer Palace. In the evening, I will visit national stadium. The fourth day I will visit some old town in Beijing and eat some local food. The fifth day, I have to go back home. This is my plan.
On July 5th my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.
We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look.
The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang Hill. I now know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.
Later, I went back with my parents by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.