介绍一个建筑英语作文 关于建筑设计的英语作文

它是建筑物和构筑物的总称 , 是人们为了满足社会生活的需要 , 运用所掌握的物质技术手段 , 应用一定的科学规律、风水观念和审美规律而创造的人工环境 。你想知道描写一个建筑英语作文写了什么吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于建筑英语的文章 。让我们来看看!
The Great Wall of China is the largest earth work in the world. Like a long snake it winds its way from Shanhaiguan Pass on the east coast to Jiayuguan Pass in the Gobi desert. The main part of the wall is about 2150miles long. It didn't become the "Great Wall" until the Qin Dynasty. Qin Shihuang ordered his people to connect the separate walls. In order to prevent enemies out of China. Each dynasty added to the wall's height and lenght. It didn't reach 6400 kilometers long until Min Dynasty. Now the Great Wall is a world-famous tourist attraction. It's the symbol of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese.

介绍一个建筑英语作文 关于建筑设计的英语作文


Buildings in Tianjin
【介绍一个建筑英语作文 关于建筑设计的英语作文】In Tianjin,there are many buildings of bygone times.Some of them are imposing and have great artistic and historic value.However,these buildings do mot fit in well with each other,because most of them were built by foreigners in different times.The traffic in the city is not very convenient.The street are usually narrow and twisted.If the government wanted to have them widened,a large number of buildings would have to be pulled down.Some buildings are too old and are nothing more than cottages,and in place of them,some new high buildings have been set up.However,the new ones are still few and in many places they seem quite out of place.
Yet those Western-style buildings give Tianjin a different characteristic from other cities and those new ones lend the city fresh vitality which will spread rapidly with the reform going on.
My favorite building is Zhuhai Fishing Girl, which is located at the scenic Xianglu Bay, in Haibin Park. The statue is composed of granite and stands 8.7 meters high, weighing 10 tons. It was built by a professor called Panhe from Guangzhou Art College in 1982. Now it has become the landmark of Zhuhai. It looks so glorious. Look, she holds a pearl highly in the air with both of her hands in an elegant pose, as if she is greeting the guests from everywhere. That also symbolizes the brightness of Zhuhai. Every year, thousands of people come to see it with their own eyes. If you travel to Zhuhai, I'd love to show you around there. Maybe you'll have a nice time.
我最喜欢的建筑是珠海渔家姑娘 , 它坐落在海滨公园里风景秀丽的香炉湾 。这座雕像是由花岗岩组成的 , 站高8.7米 , 重10吨 。它是由一个叫做何盼来自广州艺术学院的教授建立的 。现在它已成为珠海的标志性建筑 。它看起来是如此的辉煌 。看 , 她高高的在空中拿着一颗珍珠 , 摆着一个优雅的姿势 。仿佛她是在向来自世界各地的客人问候 。这也标志着珠海的辉煌 。每年 , 成千上万的人用自己的眼睛去看它 。如果你去珠海旅游 , 我很愿意带你到处走走 。也许你会过得很开心 。
Alright, well I've been asked to talk about something beautiful and I'd like to choose the White Cloud Temple. It is located in Beijing and it's on the west side of town. It's not that far away from a subway station, but you would need to take a bus, because it's a bit far to walk. I go there probably two or more times a year. It's a Taoist temple, probably the most active Taoist temple in Beijing. I'm a Taoist. But I go there more than just to pray. I really try to take a trip to find some time to rediscover myself. During the Spring Festival people jam into it because they hold what I think is the best carnival during Spring Festival. We call them Miao Huis. At that time the temple is very crowded, but most other times it's quite peaceful, and it's a good place to get away from all the people.
I think the reason it's so beautiful is because it is simple and it seems to blend in well with its environment. The small praying hall is very serene. It has a nice pool and a bridge. The Taoist motifs are quite simple but I think they are very charming. I love to go there during the winter after a big snowfall because it's at this time that it seems to be most mysterious. I choose this as the most beautiful because, to me, beauty is simplicity and natural design, and it also means it fits the environment it is in. I don't really like grand, elaborate temples. I prefer temples that seem powerful not because of their structures but because they are perfect for their simple beauty.