关于写动物的英语作文80词 描写动物的英语作文80字

大多数动物都很可爱,英语中也有关于动物的作文 。你想知道如何写关于动物的英语作文吗?这里有一些边肖收集的写动物的英语作文80词 。让我们来看看!
I like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like dogs best. Why? Because they are very cute and friendly. 。I have a white dog. Its name is Bobo. She is a female dog. She comes from Beijing, China. She has two big eyes and a small month. She wears white clothes. She often walks around at home. It has nothing to do. She likes eating ice-cream so much, So do I. When I eat ice-cream, she will look at the ice-cream carefully. So I will give her some to eat.I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world.
我非常喜欢动物,比如马,猴子,猫,老虎等等 。但是我最喜欢小狗 。为什么呢?因为他们很可爱很友好我有一只白色的小狗 。它的名字叫波波 。她是一只小母狗 。她来自中国北京 。她有一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴 。她穿着白色的衣服 。她经常在家里到处走 。但是没关系 。她喜欢吃冰激凌,我也是 。当我吃冰激凌的时候,她就会很认真的看着冰激凌 。所以我会给她一些吃 。我觉得波波是世界上最可爱的狗狗 。

关于写动物的英语作文80词 描写动物的英语作文80字


On Saturday, I went to my grandparents' house to play, entered my grandpa said to me: "home to a puppy." I ran quickly excitedly to the kennel.
This little guy is sleeping, I to control his feeling excited, could not help but to touch it by hand, but who knows, the puppy vigilance is so high, my hands touched it hair, it is all of a sudden I woke up to now. It eyes, big carefully look at me, as if to say: "who are you? How do I haven't seen you?" I see, oh! Big round eyes, a small nose, cherry small mouth, not fat or thin face, and a pair of big ears and a air shook tail. In the summer it will lick up scattered cooling, is really a handsome boy!
After dinner, I also want to see this little one to eat, then took a piece of meat on the ground, I thought to myself, so delicious it must be very like it. But to his surprise, it's just to smell the smell, and go to the side. I think, if it is afraid of being seen just refused to eat. Then, I hid behind the door, secretly observe it. Sure enough, little guys walking slowly in the past, and look at the then eat it with relish. It ate a piece of meat, I then from behind the door to come out and play with it. I threw a ball out of the distance, said to it: "help me to pick up the ball back!" It seemed to understand my words, kicking ran in the past, with his mouth put the ball has been sent to my side, and in this way, we are happy to play up.
星期六,我去爷爷奶奶家玩,一进门爷爷就跟我说:“家里来了一只小狗 。”我赶紧兴奋地往狗窝跑去 。
这个小家伙正在睡大觉,我控制不住自己激动的心情,忍不住用手摸了它一下,可谁知,小狗的警惕性那么高,我的手刚碰到它的毛,它就一下子被我给惊醒了 。它把眼睛睁得大大的,仔细地看着我,仿佛在说:“你是谁呀?我怎么没看见过你呢?”我一看,哟!圆溜溜的大眼睛,小小的鼻子,樱桃形的小嘴,不胖不瘦的脸蛋,还有一对神气的大耳朵和一条摇个不停的尾巴 。夏天的时候它会把舌头舔出来散散热,真是一只帅气的小家伙呀!
吃完饭后,我也想去看看这小家伙吃东西的样子,便拿了一块肉放在地上,我心想:这样美味它一定很喜欢吧 。但出乎意料的是,它只是去嗅了嗅,又走到了一边 。我想,是不是它怕被人看到才不肯吃呢 。于是,我就躲在了门背后,偷偷地观察它的动静 。果然,小家伙慢慢地走了过去,四面看了一下便津津有味地吃了起来 。看它吃完了一块肉,我便从门后走出来和它一起玩了起来 。我把一个球扔到了远处,对它说:“帮我去把球捡回来!”它仿佛听懂了我的话,飞快地跑过去用脚踢,用嘴顶把那个球一直送到了我的身边,就这样,我们高兴地玩了起来 。
I have a parrot. It's my favorite animal. Its name is Gaga because it always makes sounds like that. We picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. We released a revelation but had no one to claim. It doesn't change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. We say that it's a handsome boy. It can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. My grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. We think that it's some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when it's boring or hungry. It adds a lot of fun to our lives.
我有一只鹦鹉,它是我最喜欢的动物 。它的名字叫嘎嘎,因为它总是发出这样的声音 。六年前我们在停车场捡到它 。我们发了启示,但是没有人认领 。它没有多大的变化,但是它的颜色变得越来越漂亮了 。我们说它是一个帅小伙 。它可以模仿一些简单的词和词组,比如你好,或者像奶奶问好之类的 。我奶奶经常和它聊天或者放音乐给它听 。我们觉得它又点聪明,因为它无聊或是饿了的时候总是会发出声音 。它给我们的生活增添了许多乐趣 。
I have two turtles, they are cute. I′ve had them for two years. They carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag. They have eyes which shines just like black beans. They are funny. Collected by www They are like to eat the watermelon in the summer. Mother always buy more for the turtles,so I think that they like to cool down as well, but they are shy when eating, they don′t want to be watched, as they inhaling the food . The ofter day , I bried to observe how they eat their food. Collected by The way they eat is really funny.No wondey why they are so shy. Grauing up, fradually. I want to stay with him as long as he lives.
Animals are friends of human beings. Most of them are lovely. I like giraffe the most. They are very tall and have many brown spots. They have very long necks, so that they can eat the leaves in high trees. Giraffes are gentle and lovely. They are friendly to people. When I go to the zoo, I always look at them. They move slowly. I can’t keep it as a pet, because it’s so huge. It’s a big pity.
【关于写动物的英语作文80词 描写动物的英语作文80字】动物是人类的朋友,大部分的动物都很可爱 。我最喜欢的是长颈鹿,它们很高而且又很多棕色斑点 。它们的颈很长因此可以吃到大树上的叶子 。长颈鹿温驯可爱,它们对人类很友善 。当我去动物园的时候我总喜欢去看它们 。它们动作缓慢 。我不能把它当宠物因为它太大了,这有点遗憾 。