描述一个名人雅思口语 英语口语描述一个聪明的人

1 雅思 口语 描述聪明的人
Describe an intelligent person you know.
You should say:

描述一个名人雅思口语 英语口语描述一个聪明的人


who this person is
when and where you first met them
what kind of person they are
and explain why you think this person is intelligent.
Ok right then, well the person that I’d like to talk about is one of my university coursemates called Nick, because he’s honestly one of the smartest people I know. And we’ve been friends ever since I started university, because I found myself sitting next to him in our first lecture, and we (kind of) just got talking.
As for what kind of person he is, well um, I guess the best way to describe him would be sociable and likeable, coz I mean, although he’s a super smart guy, he’s not arrogant in the slightest, and he gets on well with pretty much everyone in my year.
Anyway, moving onto why I think he’s intelligent, well first of all, he always does really well in all our exams, you know, like coming top or second in most of them. And what’s amazing is that he doesn’t seem to study (all) that hard, but still manages to do so well. For example, as well as studying, he’s also got a part-time job, which I’m sure must take up quite a bit of his time. So it ‘s really impressive how he’s able to do this without it affecting his studies whatsoever.
And another thing is that whenever the lecturer asks a question, he always knows the answer, and sometimes he’ll just whisper it to me because he feels a bit embarrassed to answer every time!
So yeah, I’d say he’s a really clever guy, and I feel very lucky to have such a good friend.
I found myself – 我不知不觉的
he’s not arrogant in the slightest – 他一点都不自大
pretty much everyone = 差不多所有人
he doesn’t seem to study that hard, but still manages to do so well – 他好像不是那么用功学习的,但还是能做得很好 。
So it ‘s really impressive – here, “impressive” means 了不起
…without it affecting his studies whatsoever. – 一点都不影响他的学习 。
(At university, we often say “lecturer” instead of “teacher”)
That’s about it then = 大概就这些
I’d say = I think
He’s always been able to help me whenever I’ve had any difficulties with my studies.
Describe a person who solved a problem in a clever way.
You should say:
Who the person is;
When you meet the person;
Where you meet the person;
and explain why you think he is clever.
I gonna tell a story about thinking out of the box, when the box is defined by "airplane"
When I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge that involved making a paper air plane of any shape. The only objective was to get it to fly as far as possible. I had some paper air plane making skills so I made the best plane I could and it flew pretty far. The prize seemed to get under my belt.
One guy made the greatest, yet simplest paper airplane of all time. He stood there at the starting line with a regular piece of paper. Some classmates scratched their head while silently chuckling to themselves. Moments later he took the flat piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it down the hall way.
He beat the class with ease.
Some of the students got mad and said that he cheated.
【描述一个名人雅思口语 英语口语描述一个聪明的人】The physics teacher said, "How so? I said it could be any shape. A paper ball is indeed a shape."
He won the contest with flying colors.
A saying goes like "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see."
I still regard this classmate as a genius.
Describe a party that you joined
You should say:
When it took place
Where it was
Whose party it was
What you did there
And how you felt about the party

描述一个名人雅思口语 英语口语描述一个聪明的人


The party I’d like to describe is the New Year eve party that I attended 2 years back. Our University friends invited me to join the party and I had to contribute some amount for that. The party held on a 3 star hotel where the teachers, students and their relatives attended.
我想描述的是我两年前参加的新年晚会 。我们大学的朋友们邀请我参加这个聚会,我必须为此贡献一些钱 。晚会在一个三星级宾馆举行,教师、学生和他们的亲属都参加了 。
On the New Year eve one of my friends gave me a call and then I picked up a taxi to reach the hotel. The name of the hotel was (..say a name you prefer…) and it was a beautiful hotel in our city. After I reach the hotel I found that it has been gorgeously decorated with lights. Our party was in the 2nd floor and I found most of my friends and some of the teachers already enjoying the party.
在新年前夕,我的一个朋友给我打了个电话,然后我搭了一辆出租车去了旅馆 。旅馆的名字是( 。。说你喜欢的名字 。),它是我们城市里的一个美丽的旅馆 。到达旅馆后,我发现它装饰得非常华丽 。我们的聚会在2楼,我发现我的大部分朋友和一些老师已经在享受这个聚会了 。
A local music band was singing and people were wearing mostly party dresses. We enjoyed the party a lot and ate several local and foreign dishes. We started counting down the time at 11:59 pm and when the clock ticked at 12:00, we started shouting with the New Year wishes. We stayed at the party till 2.00 am and all those time we enjoyed our time every way possible.
本土乐队在唱歌,人们大部分穿着派对礼服 。我们很喜欢这个聚会,吃了几道当地和外国的菜 。晚上11点59分我们开始倒计时,当闹钟在12点滴答响的时候,我们开始用新年的祝福大喊大叫 。我们在晚会上一直呆到凌晨2点,所有这些时间我们都很享受 。
雅思口语part 3题目及参考答案
Q. What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?
A. Family parties are the events where the members of a family living in distant places come to meet together and have fun. In my country family parties are arranged for different reasons and the party range varies based on the familial status. If the families are rich and wealthy, the parties last longer than usual. The family parties are mostly organised marking the marriage of any family members and on some other petty issues like observing birthday or marriage anniversary etc. The family members are invited to attend the party with the other members of their family and the moments are pleasant for them during the party. But sometimes the parties do not remain the happier one as it is at the beginning owing to many unwanted and serious incidents that even leads to quarrelling among the members forming two or three groups.
Q. In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is this ever true in your country? Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?在一些地方,人们花很多钱在庆祝特殊家庭活动的聚会上 。这在你们国家是真的吗?你认为这是一个好趋势还是一个坏趋势?
A. Like the other countries, the rich and wealthy families in my country organise family parties and they spend a huge sum of money for the parties. Mostly they prefer arranging party during the marriage ceremony or marriage anniversary, but the parties marking marriage ceremony last longer than the marriage anniversary party. When the parties are arranged, special decorative materials are used to decorate the house and almost all the rooms are newly decorated. Besides, catering services are engaged to supply quality foods for the invited guests. The amount of money spend in marriage is less than it is spent to arrange the family party only. Sometimes I think it is the wastage of money and wealth. They could have saved the money for the future use of the newly-wed.
Q. Are there many differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you think this is?家庭聚会和朋友的聚会有很多不同吗?你为什么认为这是?
A. The parties arranged by family members and those arranged by the friends are quite different for different reasons. The first and important issue about a family party is that you are to abide some rules and regulations in a family party. You cannot do whatever you want to drink alcoholic beverages without the permission of the organiser. But the scenario is the opposite in the parties arranged by friends. One can drink as much as s/ he wants or smoke cigarettes in plenty. There is none to forbid over any issue. You can listen to songs at a louder volume, dance together with the friends and could use slangs to your friends and many other things which are considered as indecent in the family parties. The differences happen for the generation gap. Family parties invite guests of all ages while the friends never invite any adult or seniors in their parties.
Describe an interesting animal
You should say:
What it looks like
When you saw/knew it for the first time
Where it lives
and explain why it is interesting
I am raising an Alaska dog, which is a large breed of domestic dog. My dog has a double coat:the undercoat is soft while the outer one is coarse and water-proof. Also, his coat hastwo colors, black and white.
我养了一只阿拉斯加狗,它是一种大型的家养狗 。我的狗毛是双层毛皮:内层柔软,而外面的则是粗糙和防水的 。而且,他的毛皮也有颜色,黑色和白色 。
In my opinion, his most attractive feature is the small upright ears which are out of proportion to the head. Having had this dog for almost a year, I find him intriguing. He is very smart, so he learns everything quickly. I once taught him how to fetch. Surprisingly enough, he successfully chased and retrieved the object after I tossed it for the second time. He acted as if he had intrinsically understood the game. He is also friendly to everyone,especially children. Whenever someone visits my house, instead of barking, he welcomes them by licking their feet.
在我看来,他最吸引人的特点是小直立的耳朵,与头部不成比例 。我养了这只狗已经快一年了,我觉得他很有趣 。他很聪明,所以他学得很快 。我曾经教过他怎么去拿东西 。令人惊讶的是,在我第二次扔了它之后,他成功地追赶并取回了这个物体 。他表现得好像他对这个游戏有内在的理解 。他对每个人都很友好,尤其是孩子 。每当有人来我家,而不是吠叫时,他就会舔他们的脚来欢迎他们 。
For me, my dog is a friend I can play with after school. I often walk him around the park at the weekends and he seems to like this, as there are different dogs there. I also talk with himregularly and I feel that he can understand what I say. As a final point, I hope that my dog can live with me for a long time.
对我来说,我的狗是我放学后可以玩的朋友 。我经常在周末带他到公园散步,他似乎很喜欢这个,因为那里有不同的狗 。我也经常和他交谈,我觉得他能理解我说的话 。最后一点,我希望我的狗能和我一起生活很长一段时间 。