是中国茶的故乡,茶文化的发源地 。中国发现和利用茶叶已有四五千年的历史,而且历史悠久,遍布世界各地 。茶是中华民族的国饮 。它起源于神农,为鲁周公所闻,盛于唐,盛于宋,盛行于明清 。与此同时,茶在全世界范围内成为了一种大众化、大众化、健康的绿色饮品 。茶融天地人于一体,主张“天下茶人皆一家” 。以下是上海英语学校编撰的饮茶英语 。

绿茶green tea龙井茶Longjing tea/dragon well tea普洱茶Puer tea红茶black tea乌龙茶Wulong tea/Oolong tea白茶white tea花茶scented tea/flower tea菊花茶chrysanthemum tea茉莉花茶jasmine tea兰花茶orchid tea梅子茶plum tea
scented adj.有香味的chrysanthemum n.菊花jasminen.茉莉orchid n.司兰plum n.梅子,李子gardenia n.桅子花herb n.香草distill v.蒸馏
1、Tea is as popular in China as coffee in Western countries.茶在中国的流行程度和咖啡在西方国家的流行度是一样的 。
2、Chinese herb tea is made from traditional Chinese herbal medicine.凉茶是由传统中草药制成的 。
3、Yellow wine enjoys a long history in China. It is produced from the mixture of riceand alcohol.黄酒在中国源远流长,由米和酒精相混合制成 。
4、People from all social classes love tea drinking.各阶层的人们都喜欢饮茶 。
5、China is the earliest country to cultivate and drink tea.中国是早种茶、饮茶的国家 。
6、Some snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, 。:melon seeds are the good partners of tea forChinese people.中国人将坚果、干果和瓜子等小吃配合茶水食用 。
7、Some popular alcohol brands are Er guo tou, Mao Tai and Wu Liang Ye.广为人知的白酒品牌有二锅头、茅台和五粮液 。
8、Could you recommend a kind of scented tea that is good for losing weight?你可以推荐一种有益减肥的花茶吗?
9、People, women in particular, are fond of drinking scented tea for beauty and health.人们,尤其是女性喜欢喝花茶,既美容又保健 。
10、In China, there are four major tea plantation regions: Jiangbei, Jiangnan, Huanan andthe southwestern region.中国四大茶叶种植区是:江北茶区、江南茶区、华南茶区和西南茶区 。

Serena: Laoshe Teahouse is named after a great Chinese writer Laoshe and hisfamous drama Teahouse. And it could be said to be the name card ofBeijing.Ting: Yes. Celebrities from home and abroad come to visit this teahouseevery year. You can watch dramas, eat traditional Beijing snacks anddrink teas here.Serena: Wow, no doubt that Bush and Kissinger have come here.Ting: Well, you can watch many other performances, say Peking opera,magic show and acrobatics here as well. If you want to drink tea, go tothe third floor.Serena: What kind of tea does it serve?Ting: The major ones are scented tea and green tea. Altogether, there aremore than 20 kinds of teas.Serena: Hurray, I can't wait. Let's go!
瑟琳娜:老舍茶馆是由中国作家老舍和他的知名戏剧《茶馆》而命名的 。据说,它是北京的城市名片 。婷:是的 。每年都有很多中外名人来访 。你可以在这里看戏,吃北京传统小吃,还可以饮茶 。瑟琳娜:哇塞,难怪布什和基辛格都来过这里呢!婷:嗯,你可以在这里看其他演出,比如说,京剧、魔术、杂技什么的 。如果你想在这里饮茶,就去三楼 。瑟琳娜:这里有什么样的茶呢?婷:主要有花茶和绿茶 。这里一共有二十多种茶品呢!瑟琳娜:太好啦!我等不及了,咱们走吧!
【茶文化英语介绍ppt 中国茶文化英语介绍】以上是由上海英语学校小编为您整理的喝茶的英语的全部内容 。
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