查理卓别林,出生于英国伦敦,英国电影演员、导演、编剧 。也有关于卓别林的英文文章 。你想知道写卓别林的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的卓别林的英文作品 。让我们来看看!
Charlie Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin), born on April 16, 1889 in London, the British film and television actor, director, screenwriter.
Charlie Chaplin's first film is "making a living". From 1915 began Chaplin began to self-directed, and even served as a producer and editor. Later he joined the company of Espian, and in 1917 produced "immigration" and "An Le Street", in 1918 he and his brother opened his own company in Los Angeles. And in 1919 summoned to Douglas Fairbanks and others. But until 1923, Chaplin only for the company took the first film "Paris a woman." After 1925 the "Gold Rush" and 1928 "circus" for Chaplin won the Academy Award.
In 1931 because of the "city light" premiere Chaplin came to London, returned to the next year, his next film is 1936 "modern era". Four years later he filmed the "big dictator". In 1952, his sound film "stage career" release, the same year he moved to Switzerland. In 1967 he photographed the last film "Hong Kong Piaget", 1977 Christmas died in Switzerland at the age of 88 years old.

Sir Charles Spencer ChaplinJr.KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977)better known as Charlie Chaplinwas an Academy Award-winning English comedic actor and filmmaker.Chaplin became one of the most famous actors as well as a notable filmmakercomposer and musician in the early to mid "Classical Hollywood" era of American cinema.Chaplin acted indirectedscripted produced and eventually scored his own films as one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era.His working life in entertainment spanned over 65 yearsfrom the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer almost until his death at the age of 88.His high-profile public and private life encompassed both adulation and controversy.With Mary PickfordDouglas Fairbanks and D.W.GriffithChaplin co-founded United Artists in 1919.In a review of the book Chaplin:A Life (2008)Martin Sieff writes:"Chaplin was not just 'big'he was gigantic.In 1915he burst onto a war-torn world bringing it the gift of comedylaughter and relief while it was tearing itself apart through World War I.Over the next 25 yearsthrough the Great Depression and the rise of Hitlerhe stayed on the job.He was bigger than anybody.It is doubtful any individual has ever given more entertainmentpleasure and relief to so many human beings when they needed it the most."
Charlie Chaplin one of the famous stars of the movies. He was born in 1889 in London. When he was a child his family was so poor.1910 he went to USA.1914 he made his first film. In this film he created the character of a little man who always faced difficulties.
When he was rich he open his film company in 1918.His great film in clouded city lights and modern times he died in1977at age of 88.
Charlie Chaplin the 20th century the famous British comedian founder of modern comedy movies enjoy high reputation all over the world. Chaplin his childhood in the playground and itinerant troupes busk or odd jobs. In 1913 with Karl's mime troupe to go to America by American director m. senna who began his film career. On February 7 1914 wore a bowler hat and carrying bamboo cane foot big boots walk like a duck in the tramp Xia Erluo image for the first time appear in the film "the Venice children's car. This image as the symbol of the Chaplin comedies and popular in Europe and the United States more than 20 years. Chaplin wore a bowler hat and dress look almost became an important representative of comedy movies back many artists are performing in his way.
Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who starred in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored watching his moustache his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk sliding on a banana skin or whispering his own failures to nobody he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now.
【从卓别林身上学到了什么英语作文 卓别林代表作英语】In a small budget film he played a badly-off and homeless person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. Though he overcame many difficulties he wasn’t fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress his acting was so convincing and amusing that everybody couldn’t help bursting into laughter.
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