在大学里,我们会遇到很多场合,但我们往往不知道如何用英语准确地表达自己 。这是大学两分钟左右的英语口语对话.让我们来看看:

杨: Yesterday I got one message from your QQ, it said you wanted to borrow some money.
昨天我收到你的QQ信息,说你想借点钱 。
李: Really? It must be a scam.My QQ has been stolen last week.
真的吗?肯定是诈骗,我的QQ上周就被盗了 。
杨: I also think so, so I just cancelled that message.
我也是这么想的,所以我就把信息删掉了 。
李: Did he send you the account?
杨: Yes, it is an account of bank of china.
是的,是一个中行的帐号 。
李: Then give it to me.
给我吧 。
杨: What do you want to do? To find the swindler?
李: No, I just want to teach him some lessons.
不,我只是想给他点教训 。
杨: How?
李: I will use his account on online bank and try to find his password, if I put wrong passwords 3 times continuously, then this account will be frozen for one day. If I am lucky enough to get the correct password, then I will give all the money in that account to welfare.
我会在网上银行使用这个账号,如果我连续3次输错密码,这个账户会被冻结一天 。如果我够运气碰对了密码,我会把帐户里所有的钱捐给福利院 。
杨: Good idea! If people all do so, swindlers will surely cry everyday!
A:I'm calling to ask about your apartment advertised.
A:我看到了贵公司公寓出租的广告,打个电话来问一下情况 。
B:Yes, we've got great apartments with charming environment and nice scenery. And theyare all newly renovated.
B:是的,我们有很多环境优雅、景色优美的公寓,全部都是新装修的 。
A:That sounds fantastic! But I am looking for something closer to the downtown, as I spendmost of my time at the office.
A:听起来太棒了,但我想租一间离市中心近一点的公寓,因为我大部分时间都在办公室度过 。
B:No problem. We have a nice apartment located near the Oriental Square. It's perfect forpeople busy with office work. It is fully furnished with a service staff taking care of the trivialdetails.
B:没问题 。我们在东方广场附近有一套条件很好的公寓 。它非常适合那些工作很忙的人,设施齐全而且有服务人员照顾生活琐事 。
A:I'm sure it is wonderful, but I need an unfurnished apartment with relatively lower cost.
A:我相信这个公寓一定很棒,但我想要一套无装修、价格相对更低的公寓 。
B:Ah! I get your point. We have just what you need. Our Jinyuan apartments have several floorplans. The onebedroom apartments are very economical, but their layout makes great use of asmall amount of space. I thinkyou can find the right apartment there.
B:哦,我明白了 。我们正好有您想要的这类公寓 。我们的金苑公寓楼有好几种户型 。一居室公寓非常便宜,而且布局合理,充分利用了有限的空问 。我想你能在那里找到合适的公寓 。
A:Great! I'll arrange a viewing after work tomorrow afternoon. Could you tell me the detailedaddress?
A:太好了!明天下午下班后我会去看房 。你能告诉我详细的地址吗?
B:Of course. It's just at 19 Linquan Road. You can phone me again if you can find the rightplace.
B:当然了 。就在林泉路19号 。如果您找不到的话可以再给我打电话 。
A:Ok. Thank you.
A:好的,谢谢 。

Saleswoman: Welcome. How can I help you?
Julia: We want to look at some of your products.
茱莉娅:我们想看看你们的产品 。
Saleswoman: This way please. We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skincleansers.
专柜小姐:这边请 。我们有一系列的产品,从彩妆到洁肤品应有尽有 。
Julia: Could you commend me some moisturizers?
Saleswoman: Your T-zone gets oily easily, but your cheeks are dry in winter. Am I right?
专柜小姐:你的T字部位容易出油,但是在冬天两颊却很干 。是吗?
Julia: Yes, that's right.
茱莉娅:是的,就是那样 。
Saleswoman: This "Cream of Olives" is our bestseller for combination skin. You can try it onyour hand.
专柜小姐:这款橄榄滋养霜是我们卖得最好的,专门针对混合型肌肤 。你可以在手上试一下 。
Julia: Oh, very good. I will buy this one.
茱莉娅:嗯,不错 。我买这个了 。
Saleswoman: All right. Anything else?
专柜小姐:好的 。还要别的吗?
Julia: No. Thank you.
茱莉娅:不需要了 。谢谢你 。
Saleswoman: My pleasure.
专柜小姐:很乐意为您服务 。
Steven's hair is long and needs to be cut short. This morning he goes to the barber's.
史蒂文的头发长了,需要剪短 。今天早上他去了理发店 。
Barber: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?
理发师:早上好 。先生,我能为您做些什么呢?
Steven: Good morning. I'd like to have a haircut.
史蒂文:早上好 。我想理发 。
Barber: Very well. Please sit down here. Do you want me to cut your hair very close?
理发师:好的 。请这边坐 。您想把头发剪得很短吗?
Steven: Please cut the sides shorter, but not so much at the back.
史蒂文:两边剪得短点,但是后面不要剪得太多 。
Barber: It's such a hot season, isn't it? May I suggest thinning out the top?
理发师:天气好热呀,是吗?我建议把头顶的头发削薄些 。
Steven: That's a good idea. But leave the front as it is now.
史蒂文:好主意 。但前面的头发不要改变了 。
(several minutes later)
Barber: Now it's done. Is it satisfactory?
理发师:好了 。这样您满意吗?
Steven: Very good, thanks.
史蒂文:好极了,谢谢 。
Barber: Anything else I can do for you, sir?
Steven: No, thanks.
【大学英语口语对话两人一分钟 大学英语对话两人两分钟】史蒂文:不用了,谢谢 。
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