加油车英文怎么说 给汽车加油英文怎么说

Fill up the tank, please.请把油箱加满 。
【加油车英文怎么说 给汽车加油英文怎么说】Add air to tires please.请给轮胎打点气 。
The gas prices go through the roof nowadays.油价现在涨得太厉害了 。
1、I'd like 10 gallons, please.我要10加仑的油 。
2、Give me $35 worth, please.请给我加35美元的油 。
3、Let me park the car next to that gas pump.让我把车停到加油泵旁边 。
4、Let me pull up to that pump.让我把车停到加油泵旁边 。
5、Could you check my battery?你能帮我检查一下电池吗?
6、Fill the radiator up.把散热器加满水 。
7、Could you check my tires?能帮我看看轮胎吗?
8、Could you vacuum my car?能用吸尘器打扫一下车吗?

加油车英文怎么说 给汽车加油英文怎么说


A:Fill up the tank, please.B:Do you want unleaded gas?A:Yes, unleaded gas please.B:Do you want me to check the radiator?A:Yes. Thanks.B:There's hardly any water in the radiator.A:So fill the radiator up.
A:请把油箱加满 。B:您想要无铅的吗?A:是的,不含铅的 。B:您想让我检查一下散热器吗?A:是的,谢谢 。B:散热器几乎没水了 。A:那把散热器加满水 。
A:I'd like 10 gallons, please.B:Fine.Would you like me to clean your windshield?A:OK. Thank you. The gas prices go through the roof nowadays.B:Yes. Should I vacuum your car too?A:OK. There are less and less full-service gas stations now.B:That's true. Do you need I check your battery?A:No, that's all for now. Thank you.B:Hope you have a pleasant journey.A:Thank you. This is your tip.B:Oh, sorry, madam. We take no tips here.
A:我要10加仑的油 。B:好的 。您需要我打扫挡风玻璃吗?A:好的,谢谢,油价现在涨得太厉害了 。B:是啊,我给您用吸尘器打扫一下车吗?A:好的,现在全方位服务的加油站越来越少了 。B:是的,您需要我给您检查一下电池吗?A:不用了 。谢谢 。B:祝您旅途愉快 。A:谢谢,这是给你的小费 。B:真抱歉,女士,我们不收小费 。
以上是由广州韦博英语小编为您整理的给车加油用英语怎么说的全部内容 。