翻译成英语怎么翻 敲门砖指什么比喻什么

“敲门砖”,字面意思指“拣来敲门、门开后即被丢弃的砖头(brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served its purpose)” 。常用来比喻世人借以猎取功名的工具(thing used as a means for fame and position),一达目的,即可抛弃 。

翻译成英语怎么翻 敲门砖指什么比喻什么


与“敲门砖”意思相近的表达还有“垫脚石”,两者都可以翻译为“a stepping stone to success” 。
有些人常把读书当成“敲门砖”,一旦功名到手,书籍也就被束之高阁了 。
Some people take attending to school only as a stepping stone to status; once they succeed, all the books will be shelved.
他甘愿当垫脚石 。
【翻译成英语怎么翻 敲门砖指什么比喻什么】He is willing to be a stepping stone.