商务晚宴英语对话五人 商务晚宴英语对话范文

A: Mr. Brown, please sit here. This is our traditional seat for the guest of honor(贵宾).
B: It's my honor to be given so much attention. Thank you very much for preparing sucha square dinner(丰盛的晚宴)for me.
A: Don't mention it. Do you like to use the chopsticks or the fork and knife?
B: I'd like to take the chopsticks.
A: Well, what would you like for a drink?
B: Could you make a few suggestions?
A: How about Mao-tai, the best liquor in China?
B: That's great. I've heard a lot about it. It's so famous in the world. It's quite strong, amI right?
A: Yes, rather. But it doesn't go to the head as most liquors do.
B: All right. I'd like to have a try.
A: OK, let's begin. To our friendship!
B: Bottoms up!
A:布朗先生,请坐在这儿 。这是我们招待贵宾的传统座位 。
B:受此殊荣我十分荣幸 。谢谢你为我准备了如此丰盛的晚宴 。
A:别客气 。你喜欢用筷子还是刀叉?
B:我想用筷子 。
A:茅台酒怎么样?它是中国比较好的白酒 。
B:那太好了 。我早就听说了,它闻名于世 。它的酒性很烈,我说得对吗?
A:是的,挺烈的 。但是它不像大多数的白酒那么容易上头 。
B:好吧 。我想尝一下 。
A:好的 。我们开始吧 。为我们的友谊干杯!

商务晚宴英语对话五人 商务晚宴英语对话范文


honor 荣誉
chopstick 筷子
fork 餐叉
liquor 酒;烈酒
(1) It's one's honor to do sth.做某事是某人的荣幸如:It is my great honor tomeet you here.能在这里见到你是我莫大的荣幸 。
(2) bottoms up里的bottom指的是“(酒杯的)底部”,那么杯底朝上就是“一口喝完”
【商务晚宴英语对话五人 商务晚宴英语对话范文】的意思,喝酒干杯的时候肯定不是一个人在喝酒,所以要用复数 。那么有bottom up这样的说法吗?回答是肯定的,虽然bottom up比bottoms up只比少一个s,但是两个短语的意思却相距甚远 。bottom up表示“底翻天”,如果说漏嘴了,就会闹笑话 。实际上“cheers”在英国表示“干杯”的意思,在美国则表示“随意”的意思;在美国“bottoms up”才是“干杯”之意 。