关于保险的商务谈判英语对话 商务英语谈判保险对话

1 商务 英语 关于保险的对话
If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the goods?如果我们的这批货物以到岸价格的条件成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?下面介绍商务英语关于保险的对话,希望可以帮助到您 。

关于保险的商务谈判英语对话 商务英语谈判保险对话


A:Mr. Li, I'd like to have a talk with you over the question of insurance you doesn’t mind.
A:李先生,如果你不介意,我想同你谈谈保险的问题 。
B: No, not a bit. Go ahead, please.
B:—点也不介意,请说吧 。
【关于保险的商务谈判英语对话 商务英语谈判保险对话】A:What do your insurance clause cover?
B;There are three basic covers, namely, Free from Particular Average, With Particular Average and All Risks.
B:有三种基本险别,也就是:平安险、水渍险和综合险 。
A:If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the goods?
B; Generally speaking, we only insurance the goods with Particular Average.
B:—般说来,我们只投保水溃险 。
A: Do your cover risks other than WPA, for instance, TPND, Weight and Fresh and Rainwater Damage?
A:除水溃险以外,你们还投其他险别吗?比如:提货不着 险,重量、保鲜和雨水险 。
B:Yes. If the buyers want of have the goods insured against these risks, we shall arrange for them.
B:是的,如果买主想投保此类险别,我们将给他们安排投 保 。
A:And It is the buyers who will pay for the extra premium, I think.
A:我想这额外的保险费将由买方支付 。
B:That's It. According to the international practice, we do not insure against such risks unless they are called for by the buyers.
B:是的,按照国际惯例,我们不投保这类险别,除非买主要求投保 。
句式1:We may cover the inland insurance on your behalf.
我们为你们保陆地险 。
A: What insurance do you recommend for the goods?
B: We may cover the inland insurance on your behalf.
我们为你们保陆地险 。
A: OK.
好的 。
句式2:But you will pay the additional premium.
但是你们要支付其他的保险费用 。
A: But you will pay the additional premium.
但是你们要支付其他的保险费用 。
B: Oh, our exporters always pay all the premiums.
噢,我们的出口方一向支付所有的保险费用 。
A: But we offer you a special price.
但是我们给你们报了特价 。
B: We have to think about this term.
我们要考虑一下这个条款 。
必选的基本险按重要性排列为FPA.(平安险 Free from Particular Average)、WPA(水渍险 With Particular Average)和AR(一切险 All Risks) 。
We shall insure the goods on your behalf.
我们将为你方的货物保险 。
We can insure the procelain vases on your behalf, but at a rather high premium, all the additional premium will be for your account.
我们为你方的瓷器花瓶保险,但是由于保险费用很高,其余的所有保险费用将由你方支付 。
A:I can promise you that, if you buy our product, you will be getting A-l quality.
A:我可以保证,如果你购买我们的产品,品质一定是一流 的 。
B:I’ve looked at your units, and am very happy with them. Your goods are all far above standard quality.
B:我已经看了货,也很满意 。你们的产品品质都远在标 准之上 。

关于保险的商务谈判英语对话 商务英语谈判保险对话


A:We spend a lot of money to make sure that our quality is much better. We won't sacrifice quality for quick profits.
A:我们投入了大笔财力,就是要保证我们的品质胜人一 筹 。我们不会为了赚钱而降低品质的 。
B:Well, we're really interested in placing an order under negotiation. We can start the negotiations as soon as you want.
B:我们很想与贵公司商谈订单的事,只要贵公司方便,我 们随时可以开始 。
A : That's great, I'm glad we'll be able to do business together. I'll have some quotations ready for you by tomorrow morning.
A:太好了!能一起合作,我真的很高兴 。最迟明天早上,我就会把报价单准备好 。
B:Fine. As well,would you mind if I asked to see the Loyd's surveyor report of your products? I may have a few more questions about your quality analysis.
B:好!还有,你可以让我看一下你们的劳依兹鉴定人报 告书吗?我可能还有几个关于品质分析的问题想问问 。
A:We do business on commission basis.
A:我公司是按照佣金的规矩做生意的 。
B: We usually allow no commission. If your order is large enough, well consider it.
B:我公司通常不给佣金 。如订货量大,我公司会考虑的 。
A:We usually charge a commission of 10% .
A:我公司通常收取10%的佣金 。
B:lt's too high. If calculated into the price, the goods are difficult to sell.
B:太髙了 。如打进价格,商品很难销售 。
A:Then how many percent commission do you allow us?
B: If your order for the goods exceeds 10 000 sets, well give you 5% commission.
B:如果贵公司订货超过10 000只,我公司给贵公司5%的 佣金 。
A:The season for your goods is over. Well spend a lot of money in pushing the sales.
A:销售季节已过,我公司将花很多钱促销 。
B:We’ll give you another 1% to make up for the expenses in pushing the sales
B:我公司再给贵公司1%以补偿贵公司的促销费用 。