例句:他最终构筑起了一个延伸至泰国和新加坡的商业帝国 。
He eventually constructed a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore .
例句:自从冬季来临后,市区的商业一直在顺利开展着 。
Commerce in the urban districts has been carried on smoothly since winter set in.
例句:从伦理上和法律上有三种方法来保护知识产权,版权、专利、商业秘密 。
There are three ways to ethically and legally protect intellectual property:,copyrights, patents, and trade secrets.
例句:通过提供现代的操作系统和商业应用软件,海因斯先生既可以满足用户需求 , 也能让用户更愿意留下来 。
【商业用英语表达】Mr. Heins can give them what they want with a modern OS and the biz apps that will make it easy to stay with BlackBerry.
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