机场候机英语情景对话 机场接机英语情景对话

年底假期将至,你的朋友们是不是已经做好了旅行计划?这次你要飞往哪个国家?为了一次完美的旅行,机场英语是你必须掌握的 。这是机场送机英语口语情景对话.让我们来了解一下:

机场候机英语情景对话 机场接机英语情景对话


A:Mr.Martin, we're on arrival.
A:马丁先生,我们到了 。
B:lt's nice of you to see my off at the airport. Thank you very much.
B:您真是太周到了,非常感谢您来机场送我 。
A:We'll miss you. I hope we'll keep in touch.
A:我们会想念您的,希望今后保持联系 。
B:Sure. You've given a great help to me in the past days.
B:当然会 。这些天里您帮我大忙了 。
A:lt's my pleasure. We hope you'll visit Beijing again.
A:我很乐意那样做 。我们希望您能再次来北京 。
B:Certainly. l'll be glad to.
B:当然,我很乐意 。
A:lt's almost time to get aboard.
A:该登机了 。
B:Yes, we should go. Thank you very much. Goodbye!
B:是啊,我们该走了 。非常感谢!再见!
A:Bye bye! Have a pleasant journey!
Agent: Good afternoon! Where are you flying to today?
Dan: Los Angeles.
Agent: May I have your passport, please?
Dan: Here you go.
Dan:给你 。
Agent: Are you checking any bags?
Dan: Just this one.
Dan:只有一个 。
Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale.
值机人员:好的,请称一下你的行李 。
Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage there?
Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here are your boarding passes – your flight leaves from gate 15A and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20. Your seat number is 26E.
值机人员:不需要,行李会直接到达洛杉矶 。这是你的登机牌,你的航班登机口是在15A,3点20开始登机 。你的座位号是26E 。
Dan: Thanks.
Dan: 谢谢!

机场候机英语情景对话 机场接机英语情景对话


Agent: Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and use the bins for small objects.
安检人员:请把你的行李放在传送带上,小物件放在这些筐里面 。
Dan: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
Agent: Yes, you do. Take off your hat and your shoes, too.
安检人员:是的 。请脱掉你的帽子和鞋子 。
(he walks through the metal detector)
Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell phone, loose change?
安检人员:请靠后 。你口袋里有什么东西么?钥匙,手机,零钱?
Dan: I don’t think so. Let me try taking off my belt.
Dan:没有 。让我把皮带取下来 。
Agent: Okay, come on through.
安检人员:好的,再检查一遍 。
【机场候机英语情景对话 机场接机英语情景对话】(he goes through the metal detector again)
Agent: You’re all set! Have a nice flight.
A: Good morning sir. Where are you flying to today?
B: I’m booked on the ten thirty flight to Rome.
我订好10点30飞往罗马的航班 。
A: May I have your passport and ticket please?
B: Certainly. Here you are.
当然 。
A: Thank you. And are you checking any luggage?
B: No,I just have this carry-on.
没有,只有这件随身带着 。
A: That’s fine. And would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat?
B: A window seat please.
靠窗的,谢谢 。
A: OK, here’s your boarding pass. Your flight boards at gate number thirteen at ten.
好的,这是您的登机牌,13号登机口,十点开始登机 。
B: Thank you very much.
非常感谢 。
A: You’re welcome. Have a good flight.
不客气,祝您旅途愉快 。