写霍金的英语作文50字初中 写霍金的英语作文50字

斯蒂芬威廉霍金出生于英国牛津 。剑桥大学著名物理学家 , 是近代最伟大的物理学家之一 。你想知道霍金的英语作文怎么写吗?这里有一些边肖收集的写霍金的英语作文100词 。我们来看看吧!
霍金的启示 The Enlightenment From Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking is famous all around the word, I get to know him when I was in high school, I learned him from the English book. Though Hawking is disabled at the early age, he never gives up and continues to woke on his job, finally he becomes the great man. Hawking’s story inspires so many people, his spirit gives people the enlightenment.
【写霍金的英语作文50字初中 写霍金的英语作文50字】斯蒂芬霍金在全世界都很有名 , 我在高中的时候开始知道他 , 我是从英语课本上了解他的 。虽然霍金早年就残疾了 , 但是他从来都没有放弃 , 继续从事他的工作 , 最终他成为了伟大的人 。霍金的故事鼓励了很多人 , 他的精神带给人们启示 。
As the movie The Theory of Everything is put into the screen, Stephen Hawking comes to people’s eyesight again. The movie is about Hawking’s life from college to his present life, his love story with his first wife is the main line of the story. Hawking’s wife companied with him after knowing his disease, Hawking’s great success owes partly to his wife’s caring.
随着电影《万物定律》搬上荧屏 , 史蒂芬霍金再次来到人们的视野 。电影是关于霍金从大学到现在的生活 , 他和第一任妻子的爱情故事是电影的主线 。霍金的妻子在知道他的病情后 , 仍然陪伴着他 。霍金的巨大成就有一部分归功于他妻子的关怀 。
Besides the support from family, Hawking’s spirit of never giving up makes him success. After knowing the horrible disease, he chose to face it and struggle with it, he continued to keep his study, finally he makes different and becomes the great man.
除了来自家庭的支持 , 霍金永不放弃的精神让他取得成功 。在知道那可怕的疾病后 , 他选择了面对 , 和疾病做斗争 , 他继续学业 , 最后终于有所作为 , 成为了了不起的人 。
Hawking’s story is so inspiring, his legend is still going on. The enlightenment he gives to people is very precious.
霍金的故事很励志 , 他的传奇仍在继续 。他给人们带来了宝贵的启示 。

写霍金的英语作文50字初中 写霍金的英语作文50字


Stephen Hawking is one of the famous scientists in this century. He is now wheelchair bound and unable to feed himself or get in and out of bed alone. But he has refused to give in to the condition. Now he is regarded as one of the world's leading authorities on cosmology. Last year he was invited to China. He impressed us with his self-confident , humorous and witty conversations.
Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January 1948 in United Kingdom.He has shown great interest in science since he was a kid.Not only did he propose his own theories in the field of science, but his books discussing those theories are also great successes.
At the age of 21 he had to live on a wheelchair, yet his outstanding ideas made a breakthrough in the fields of general relativity and quantum gravity.
Stephen Hawking is considered the world's foremost living theoretical physicist. He's an expert on black holes whose stated intention is to unify quantum mechanics with Einstein's general theory of relativity, forming a single theory to explain the origin (and end) of the universe. Hawking, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, is the author of the best-selling book A Brief History of Time and something of a celebrity: he has made guest appearances on the TV shows Star Trek and The Simpsons. Hawking has suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrig's disease) since he was a young man and is confined to a wheelchair.
In 1974 Hawking calculated that black holes emit a form of energy now known as Hawking radiation. Since then he has analyzed the shape and fate of the universe in technical studies and popular books. Although Hawking has been afflicted with severe progressive muscle degeneration since the early 1960s, he manages with the use of a speech synthesizer to continue as Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University (since 1979), the chair once held by Isaac Newton.
In 1979 Hawking took the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. According to Hawking's own site, "The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton."
We are living through the most dangerous time in the history of the human race, according to Professor Stephen Hawking.
据史蒂芬·霍金教授日前表示 , 我们正面临着人类历史上最危险的时刻 。
The Cambridge University physics professor named overpopulation, climate change and diseases as just some of the threats facing our planet.
这位剑桥大学物理学教授称 , 人口过多、气候变化以及疾病仅是我们星球面临的部分威胁 。
Writing in a comment article in The Guardian, Professor Hawking explained what worries him about the future of our planet.
霍金教授在发表于《卫报》上的评论文章中解释了是什么使得他担忧我们星球的未来 。
'For me, the really concerning aspect of this is that now, more than at any time in our history, our species needs to work together,' he said.
他表示:“对我而言 , 现在真正关心的方面是 , 人类比以往任何时候都应该站在同一战线上 。”
'We face awesome environmental challenges: climate change, food production, overpopulation, the decimation of other species, epidemic disease, acidification of the oceans.'
“我们面临着可怕的环境挑战:气候变化、食物生产、人口过多、其他物种被猎杀、传染病以及海洋酸化 。”
'Together, they are a reminder that we are at the most dangerous moment in the development of humanity. We now have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live, but have not yet developed the ability to escape it.'
“它们共同提醒着我们 , 我们正处于人类发展史上最危险的时刻 。现在 , 我们有技术毁灭我们赖以生存的地球 , 但是却尚无逃离地球的能力 。”
'Perhaps in a few hundred years, we will have established human colonies amid the stars, but right now we only have one planet, and we need to work together to protect it.'
“也许在数百年之后 , 我们会在其他星球上建立人类的殖民地 , 但是现在我们只有一个星球 , 我们需要携起手来保护它 。”
The world-famous physicist has previously issued warnings to the world that robots could wipe out humanity and that leaving Earth is our only hope, and that our days on Earth are numbered.
举世闻名的物理学家霍金曾向世界发出过警告:机器人能够摧毁人类 , 逃离地球是我们的希望 , 我们在地球的日子屈指可数 。
In September the physicist warned our planet is becoming a dangerous place because of the threat of war or disease.
在九月份的时候 , 他还警告过 , 由于战争或疾病的威胁 , 我们的地球正在成为一个危险之地 。
'I believe that life on Earth is at an ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as a sudden nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus, or other dangers,' he said. 'I think the human race has no future if it doesn't go to space.'
他说道:“我相信地球上的生命正处于一个前所未有的被一场灾难摧毁的危机当中 , 例如突发的核战争、基因工程病毒或者是其他危险 。我觉得如果人类不走向太空就没有未来 。”