学校介绍 广东司法警官职业学院

学校介绍 广东司法警官职业学院


政法类 公办 专科(高职)
广东司法警官职业学院,位于广东省广州市,是经广东省人民政府批准具有高等学历招生资格的省属公办全日制高等职业学校 。
2002年4月19日,广东司法学校和广东省司法警察学校合并组建为广东司法警官职业学院 。
学院设龙洞、石井两校区和增城实训教学基地,总部设在龙洞 。学院为副厅级建制,归省司法厅管理,在教学及专业建设等方面受教育厅、教育部指导 。学院是全省司法行政系统高等法学教育基地、司法行政系统干部培训基地和监狱、劳教工作理论研究基地 。
Guangdong Judicial Police Vocational College
Guangdong Judicial College generally refers to Guangdong Judicial Police Vocational College
Public College of Politics and Law (Higher Vocational College)
Guangdong Vocational College of Judicial Police, located in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, is a provincial public full-time vocational school approved by the People’s Government of Guangdong Province with the qualification of higher education enrollment.
On April 19, 2002, Guangdong Judicial School and Guangdong Judicial Police School were merged to form Guangdong Judicial Police Vocational College.
【学校介绍 广东司法警官职业学院】The college has two campuses in Longdong and Shijing and a training and teaching base in Zengcheng, with its headquarters in Longdong. The college is organized at the deputy department level and managed by the Provincial Department of Justice. It is under the guidance of the Department of Education and the Ministry of Education in teaching and professional development. The college is the provincial judicial administration system higher legal education base, the judicial administration system cadre training base and the prison, re-education through labor work theory research base.