【霍桑高地】大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。霍桑高地这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Good Charlotte:we belive、The World is Black、S.O.S、wonderingYellowcard Saosin Motion City Soundtrack Element Eighty Anberlin Hawk Nelson Underoath 美国EMO乐团I Am Ghost Between the Trees My chemical romance(MCR,you know them) Gerard 美国EMO乐团The Used Avenged Sevenfold 美国EMO乐团Good Charlotte Fall Out Boy Billy Talent Funeral For A Friend Pierce The Veil The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Paramore Relient K Death Cab For Cutie Quietdrive Sherwood Dashboard Confessional Nature Living(日本) Tookoo(湖南EMO/SCREAMO BAND) Lost Playground(重庆新晋Emo乐队) Cobra Starship Anberlin Demolition Lovers Risque From Autumn to Ashes Secondhand Serenade Brand new The Graduate The Higher All Time Low The Academy Is Jimmy Eat World Senses Fail Saosin Finch The Postal Service Underoath New Years Day(乐队为女主唱)....你听HH是男人睡觉还是女人睡觉的那一张咯我觉得第一首This is who we are也蛮好听如果你喜欢听EMO的话那就去听The Used的吧
2、推荐make damn surespinliarmy blue heaven...A.F.I <>我现在..有什么听什么你说的不了解My Chemical Romance 算么.当我没说 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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