有人喜欢用不同的方式来表达自己的伤感,那么用英文说说语录来表达伤感的会是怎么样的呢?以下是学习啦小编为你精心整理的唯美语录英文伤感说说经典,希望你喜欢 。
英文唯美语录伤感说说经典回忆之所以是回忆,只因我们再也回不去 。
Memories are memories, because we can not go back.
沙滩上留下的脚印,证明我们曾经依偎过 。
Footprints on the beach, proof that we have leaned over.
我一次次的释怀,却换来你一次次的欺骗 。
Let me again and again, but for the first time you cheat.
有机会一个人去旅行一下,记得关掉手机 。
Have a chance to travel alone, remember to turn off the phone.
一段情,被阴霾覆盖;一首歌,让思念成灾 。
Love is the haze cover; a song, let Miss disaster.
总是太容易相信别人,所以被骗得心甘情愿 。
Always too easy to believe that others, so cheated willingly.
一个人的坚强,一个人眼泪,一个人的无奈 。
A person's strong, a person's tears, a person's helpless.
Do not blame your ruthless away, but I do not cross into your heart,
我看过最虐心的小说,就是和你的聊天记录 。
I have read the most abuse of the heart of the novel, and your chat record.
Once again, you when this is a game, but also full of blood resurrection?
我也曾默念一个人的名字直到泪水模糊眼眶 。
I have to recite the name of a person until the tears blurred eyes.
【唯美语录英文伤感说说经典】什么时候你回我的消息,能像自动回复一样快 。
When you come back to me, you can reply as fast as you can.
我要的不多,只要以朋友的名义在你身边就好 。
I don't want much, as long as the name of a friend in your side.
下辈子我要做你的心脏,我难受了,疼的是你 。
The next life I want to be your heart, I suffered, the pain is you.
我的演技一定特别好,好到连难过都没人知道 。
My acting skill must be particularly good, good to even sad no one know.
日后你许她人情长,会不会想起欠我的旧时光 。
In the days that you will be a long one, you will not think of the old time that you owe me.
迟早有一天我会心寒至极离开你,再也回不来了 。
Sooner or later one day I will leave you extremely cold, don't come back.
感情不是谁对谁错,可错了不管是谁都得改过来 。
Affection is not who is right and who is wrong, but it is wrong no matter who has to change to come over.
镜子是我最好的朋友,我哭的时候它从来不会笑 。
The mirror is my best friend, when I cry, it never smiles.
没有灯的路我也不觉黑,反正迟早要一个人面对 。
There is no light road I do not feel dark, anyway, sooner or later to a person to face.
你一副不缺我的样子,你让我怎么在你身边停留 。
You have no lack of my appearance, you let me how to stay in your side.
不是我还小,不是我不小,只是我经历的还不够 。
It is not me, not me, but I have not experienced enough.
我们从未真正坚强,只是在别人面前学会了假装 。
We never really strong, but in the face of others learned to pretend.
信任需要好几年才能建立,可却在短短几秒内毁灭 。
It takes years to build up trust, but it can be destroyed in a matter of seconds.
奈何桥东,那一碗孟婆汤,碎了多少人的地久天长 。
But the East, it is a bowl of soup, broken many people forever.
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