结婚英文请帖怎么写 英文结婚请帖范文推荐

结婚英文请帖怎么写 英文结婚请帖范文推荐

【结婚英文请帖怎么写 英文结婚请帖范文推荐】
结婚是个值得庆祝的事情 , 人们举办婚礼都会邀请亲朋好友前来参加 , 而要想通知朋友 , 写请柬是很重要的一部分 , 如果你是在国外结婚 , 那么 , 请柬的写法和格式可就和国内不同了 , 在国外 , 英文请柬也有自己的写法 , 那么 , 结婚英文请帖怎么写呢?下面就一起来看看英文结婚请帖范文推荐都是怎么说的吧 。
英文的婚礼请柬与中文有着异曲同工之处 , 都是为了通知对方给亲朋好友明确的婚礼信息 , 所以书写的内容跟中文的内容基本上是一样的 , 具体的模板见下文哦~
Dear XXX , 
Request the honor of your present the marriage of mine on Saturday , thefirst of October(具体日期) at (酒店英文地址) , waiting for your reply 。
当然除了上面这种比较正式的英文格式以外 , 也完全可以直接将中文的模板翻译过来 , 语法方面不确定如何使用的话 , 可以用“Time:Location:”的形式在请帖的底部展现出来就可以了 , 只要礼数到位 , 其他的问题自然不在话下啦!
结婚英文请帖怎么写 英文结婚请帖范文推荐
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Lang
request the honor of your presenceat the marriage of their daughter Julietato Mr. Romeo on Saturday the first of October at five o’clock St. Peter’s ChurchOxford
and to the reception afterwards at the Royal Hotel 76 The ParksO xford.
I was 2016年calendar month x(week day x) lunar month x wedding to preparesome action For , couples (or write * with his wife, with family members, Mr.XXX) at the XX Le Grand Large Hotel
Address: Yanan Road, road,
Jing Yueshu invited
Time: PM xxwhen waiting for
This is due to be in the afternoon Athotel for the little girl and heldwedding
When your company
The couple would like to order
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison
request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children MyrtleMarie and Boris Michael on Sunday, the seventeenth of July two thousand andsixteen at nine o’clock Sacred Heart Church Mount Holly, New Jersey