医学英语翻译在线 医学英语翻译在线翻译软件

医学英语翻译在线 医学英语翻译在线翻译软件

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。医学英语翻译在线翻译软件,医学英语翻译在线这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Purpose : to cerebral infraction patients with acute from time to time the window on the instant cure. method of analysis : 回顾性 patient in april 2006, feb by 2009 the fire for 120 cerebral infraction patients, ct and mri examination of treated, depending on after different times are divided into three groups on, a group of ≤ 3 h, group b, c h three ~ 6 6 ~ of 12 h, evaluate the clinical prognosis was. the results of the group are : 3h on the treatment of 14 days after a defect in less than 3 functionality test ~ 12h group (p < 0.001) 3h are set in. latch to choke to death rate is significantly lower 。
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