crime scene investigation

crime scene investigation

大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。crime scene investigation这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、crime scene investigation犯罪现场调查双语对照词典结果:crime scene investigation现场调查; 例句:1.A predilection for crime shows, such as "csi: crime sceneinvestigation," tells mr. marquis that the prospective juror mighthave unrealistic expectations that dna evidence could beobtained from every crime scene. 对犯罪题材的电视剧如“犯罪现场调查”的偏爱可以告诉马奎斯先生的是,候选人可能会不切实际的认为 , 在每起犯罪案件中都能获得dna证据 。
2、upshot of this is that a new phrase has entered thecriminological lexicon: the "csi effect" after shows such as "csi:crime scene investigation". 结果是一个新的名词进入了犯罪学词典:即csi效应,它以犯罪现场命名 。
3、crime scene investigation犯罪现场勘查双语例句scene investigation is a massive undertaking.犯罪现场调查可是个大工程 。
4、2."It is not easy to find a small mosquito in a car, this just shows how thorough the crime scene investigation was, " he added.“在汽车里面找到小蚊子这不是很容易,这只是显示了如何对犯罪现场进行彻底调查,”他说 。
5、犯罪现场调查 , 也是一部同名美剧 。
【crime scene investigation】本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。