【pantothenic acid有叶酸的作用吗】大家好,小豆豆来为大家解答以上的问题 。pantothenic acid有叶酸的作用吗这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、pantothenic acid[生化] 泛酸(维生素B5);[生化] 遍多酸Pantothenic Acid, helps the metabolism in the body.泛酸,帮助新陈代谢 。
2、pantothenic acid英 [?p?nt??θenik ??sid]美 [?p?nt??θ?n?k ??s?d]n.泛酸; 维生素B5;[网络]遍多酸; 维生素B3;[例句]In the stomach often how is pantothenic acid heartburn to return a responsibility? What drug treatment to take?胃里经常泛酸烧心是怎么回事?吃什么药治疗?pantothenic acid英[?p?nt??θenik ??sid]美[?p?nt??θ?n?k ??s?d]n.泛酸; 维生素B5 遍多酸; 维生素B3 1In the stomach often how is pantothenic acid heartburn to return a responsibility? What drug treatment to take?胃里经常泛酸烧心是怎么回事?吃什么药治疗? 2But they are also high in fiber, folate, potassium, pantothenic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6.但是它们也富含纤维、叶酸、钾、泛酸、维生素C和维生素B6 。
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