【先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐翻译 先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐翻译的意思】大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐翻译的意思,先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐翻译这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、这里有11种你看哪种适合你1. Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness.2. So the Chinese have been taught to emulate their ancient role models who would gladly be the first to bear hardships before everybody else and the last to enjoy comforts.3. Be the first to feel concern about state affairs and the last to enjoy yourself!4. Be concerned about the affairs of state before others, and enjoy comfort after others.5. Be the first to bear hardships, and the last to enjoy comforts.6. Worry before the people and enjoy after the people.7. One should be the first to worry for the future of the state and the last to claim his share of happiness.8. Be concerned about the affairs of state before others, and enjoy comfort after others. 9. Be the first to feel concern about state affairs and the last to enjoy yourself.10. All Party cadres should be concerned about the country and the people before anything else, they should be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy.11. Be the first to worry the woes of the people, and the last to share the weal of the people. 。
本文到此分享完毕 , 希望对大家有所帮助 。
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