be made of be made of翻译

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。be made of翻译,be made of这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、be made form1.Most paper is made from wood.大多数纸是用木头制造的 。
2、2 The paper is made from straw.这纸是由稻草制作的 。
3、3 The bread is made from wheat.这种面包是由小麦做的 。
4、4 The wine is made from grapes.这种酒是由葡萄制成的 。
5、5 Wine can be made from grapes.酒可以用葡萄酿造而成 。
6、6 Bubbles are made from soap.泡沫是由皂剂产生的 。
7、7 Butter is made from milk.奶油是用牛奶制成的 。
8、8 Bread is made from wheat.面包是小麦加工成的 。
9、9 Butter and candy could be made from peanuts.黄油和糖果能够用花生来做成 。
10、10 And the box is made from recycled cardboard.包装盒还是由再循环纸板制成…be made of1 My overcoat is made of cotton.我的大衣是棉花制造的 。
11、2 Bread is chiefly made of flour.面包的主要成分是面粉 。
12、3 The machine is made of metal.这台机器是金属制造的 。
13、4 The poncho is made of nylon.这雨披是用尼龙制造的 。
14、5 bDeck planks are made of basswood.甲板木条是椴木制成的 。
15、6 The hat is made of beaver.这顶帽子是海狸“毛皮”制的 。
16、7 The patio was made of stone slabs .这天井是用石板铺砌而成的 。
17、8 The fishing rod is made of split bamboo.这钓鱼竿是用“劈开”的竹子做的 。
18、9 But the other four balls are made of glass.但是其他四个球都是用玻璃制成的 。
19、10 What are they made of? They smell fragrant.书签是用什么做的?闻起来香香的 。
【be made of be made of翻译】本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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